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When did you know you were moving on?

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What were the signs you experienced when really starting to move on from your ex?


I'm still having my up and down days. Was miserable for 2 days but have felt better the last 2 days. I feel like I've moved on a tiny bit - I still want to hear from him but I truly believe I could never take him back.


I saw some pics of my ex the other day and it was strange. He didnt look like the person I think of. I didn't find him unattractive but I also wasn't attracted? If that makes sense. If I didn't know him and he approached me or talked to me I would not be interested at all.


I also didnt feel sad or devostated like I did the last time I saw pictures of him.


I still feel sad at times but I think it's mostly due to the hurt of how he treated me.


I just really dont think I could ever be with him again, even if he did come back.


Is this progress? How did you know when you were moving on from your ex?

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I hope this doesn't sound sarcastic but I think you know you've started moving on when your not wondering if your moving on...


What I mean by that is if you were moving on you wouldn't be worrying about it?


Don't rush yourself, you've come so far since your first few posts and that's progress in itself

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I knew I was moving on from my first ex when I developed a crush on this girl in my class and realized I was more interested in how she saw me than how my ex saw me.


Second ex took a loooooong time, because I didn't have any complaints about the relationship or her, so it was really crushing. I'll be honest; it took about two years for me to really start moving on from the idea that we'd be together again, and that was mostly because she finally spelled it out. Around the same time, I was kind of interested in another girl, so maybe that's why I was finally able to accept it.


And oddly enough, that girl became my next girlfriend and would remain that way for three years. I'm still not over it all, but I'm aware that's because it was such a long, dramatic relationship that really grounded down my already fragile self-esteem. Her moving on pretty quickly was just insult to injury. Still, I know that she and I weren't a good fit and it's just my insecurities about us and then this new guy that have made moving on really difficult. Truth be told, the last year or so of the relationship, I had the ol' Grass is Greener thoughts happening nearly every day. These last few months have been tough, but I push on because I know that when it comes to that relationship, the grass truly IS greener on the other side.

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The first time I thought I was moving o was when I decided no to know anything else about his life.


The second time I had the thought of moving on was when I feel in love with another guy, about one year after the break up. I remember I cried a lot because a part of me didn't want to "let him go" but I was falling in love again, so I was kind of happy.


The last time was when I forgave him. One day I noticed that I did the best I could at that moment of my life, and even if it was not his intention, the time I had with him and the break up made me stronger and it was the push I needed to go and fulfill my dreams. I think ever since I was just conscious that I moved on...

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