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Every woman's worst nightmare

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I am about a year out of a relationship which really hurt when it ended. I have begun dating thinking I am healed, but think I may be dealing with some issues of depression. Job is good, nice home, boat, etc., but I have not been the same since things ended. I want to try and volunteer to get out of my own concerns, but I am worried that I am still feeling down. I am a one date wonder, finding fault with any woman I go out with, and I know it's not fair to them. Does anyone have advice on how I can appreciate what I've got, and not worry so much about the past. Thank so much.

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Sometimes, when I feel like I've got it bad, I turn on CNN and I see genocide in Africa, bombings in Iraq, kidnappings in Central America.... my life in comparison is wonderful. I have family, friends, at a great school, a nice apartment, free of diseases, I have food and clothing.... It really puts things in perspective - I bet any of those people in Africa or the tsunami victims would do anything to be in my place.


Volunteer work is a great way to make yourself and other people feel better.


Take care!

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Im sorry if my poste lackes in coherency but im a bit inebriate d lol.


City life, what to say...uhh all i can say is, i miss my ex so much. she was my first love, and is second to none..



god girl where are you...


a part o fme has been ripped out...for so long..

sigh ill always love you..


-your sweetheart


p.s sorry to npost this here but for some reaosn the post thing doesnt work in enotalopne...its so frustratingt!!!

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I think that a lot of people go through the same feelings that you are having after going through a really bad breakup. I know that I did.


The best advice that I can give you is the same thing that others in my life have told me. Give it more than one date. You have to give the person a chance, and you have to get to know them.


I wanted to be able to be as comfortable with, and have the same feelings for the new guy I was dating as I did with my ex. So I would pick apart things and make excuses for why he wasn't good enough. What I've learned, though, is that feelings have to develop.


So give it more time. Unless there is something that is horribly wrong with the person, promise yourself that you will go out with them at least two times.


I'm not sure if this will help you at all, or even if your situation is similar to mine. I hoped I helped, though.

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I most likely will take a break. I really feel like a ship adrift at sea with no one at the helm. I am sad, and have little patience for people. I am not the happy guy I once was. I sometimes feel that my happiness is determined by whether or not I am with someone. I take it personally when I meet someone crappy and they add to my hurt- I am notorious for lashing out with ugly e-mails when I have been hurt. I really want to get past this and forget the pains of the past.

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