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Why do I feel like this?


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I have like an empty feeling inside and it feels like something is missing. Why do I feel like this?


It's called being hungry. The thing missing inside is food. (oh come on that was a good one)


Seriously, I don't know what to tell you, you didn't give us much to work off of. I literally can't tell if you are talking about food or something else. You need to give us a bit more to work off of.

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It's called being hungry. The thing missing inside is food. (oh come on that was a good one)


Seriously, I don't know what to tell you, you didn't give us much to work off of. I literally can't tell if you are talking about food or something else. You need to give us a bit more to work off of.


Haha nice one. I'm talking about something else. Like it's more of a lonely/emptiness feeling.

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It sounds like boredom to me.


Try filling up your week with something to get out and DO every day. With people.


I agree with this. Admittedly, when I first read your post, I overthought it a bit as well (wondering what could be wrong) but when it comes down to it, if you have enough time to think about this and dwell on your inner feelings, you may need to fill your schedule a bit, even if it's with a few menial tasks. Keeping busy keeps the mind happy, even if it may not always feel that way

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