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dont kno wot to do anymore =(


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orite, therz this girl i knew since last year at scool, its been a long time, but ive fallen so in love with her.. ther was a point in time wen i finally told her.. althou it wasnt how i wanted,,, she kind of asked me over msn -_-;; n i wasnt even ready... i feel i screwed up,,,,, ``ever since then she hardly reacts to anything,, n i feel ive made her very uncomfortable.. im also a little scared.. its been almost a year now,, n i tried to let go of how i feel,, besides i heard her say once that she didnt really want a boyfrend,,,,, but i jus cant stop.. its been so long n i still feel so strong for her... i dunno wot to do anymore,, evryday at scool i try to avoid her coz im afraid of how to react n i am unsure wot i shuld do....

im so nervous.. n i can see that most likely i mean nothing to her,, if not a bother... =__=; im really lost,,, i hope thers some help i can get

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Well, if she knows how you feel about her, but she hasn't acted on it, I think it'd be safe for you to just leave things up to her. You can still be friends and all, but try not to get your hopes up thinking she might one day love you back. She may feel a little uncomfortable now if she knows how you feel, but she doesn't feel the same way, it would put her in an awkward situation, since she knows how you want her to act/feel, but that wouldn't be being honest to herself.

So just try to cool it I guess...Don't mention anything romantic or relating to relationships around her for a while. Give her some space in those regions.

It sounds like you've been trying to get over her but are having some problems. I totally understand, and I have my own issues with trying to get over someone, so maybe I'm not the one to advise you on that topic in particular. I'm sure everyone else will fill in though.

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i realise that she probably dusnt want anything to go on.. in fact its become almost too obvious... but the thing is,, even thou i am not really doing anything to change her mind or wotever.. i still cant stop caring about her... i once thought, that if i really did love her, then i wuld respect her decision, which i did, so i tried to get over it... the longer i spend time away from her, the sooner i realise how much she ment to me... so u see,,, i may as well never be with her,, but i cant stop caring for her,,, no as long as we go to scool together n i can see her around..

..its weird becoz before all this, wen i was jus starting to get to kno her, she was so cheerful and enthusiastic,, she was say hi to me evry chance she got in the corridors n stuff.. she even shared her potato chips with me once,,, i remember even holding her hand in the iceskating,, and even wen i drew her a picture n she thanked me with a smile.... -_-;; man i sound hopeles.. but its those times that i miss so much, those times that made me feel so strong for her..... and althou i tried so hard.... and i kno i cant get anywher..... even still..... i cant jus lie to myself and say i dont care for her anymore... not after all that!! =(

...i dont expect her to jus come to me,,,,, ,,,in fact. . . . the honest truth is..... ...i don't know what to expect... . ... even from myself,,...

i guess if anyone has any advice.. its will be apreciated.. .sorry to be a bother to anyone thou =_=

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I recently brought up how I felt toward a girl I liked, and then things became awkward between us too. I think the best thing to do in your situation, like beemer said, is to be friends and avoid acting like you like her in that way--just be friendly. The awkwardness will go away with a little time, and your feelings for her should also become less enveloping. Try to focus on having a good time with your friends and don't spend *too* much time thinking about her. : )


Good luck!

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How old are you if you don't mind me asking?


To be brutally honest, from what I understant from what you wrote, she isn't interested in you in that way at this time. IMO you shouldn't have told her your feelings like that, and you've made it so much worse by changing the way you act as a result of it.


My best advice for you now is to distract yourself, and make sure you make youself understand that as things stand, you've got no real chance with her. Try acting normal around her again, and if she asks you about it, just say something like "yeah sorry my feelings got the better of me" and leave it at that. DON'T try to make excuses or make up for it, in fact, stop worrying what she thinks of you. Meet other girls.


The bottom line: If you act like it's not affecting you and its no big deal now, see other girls and be a fun guy again, she will probably start to feel some kind of interest in you again.


Good luck

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ohh!!! at first i thought u were just being a little harsh.. but..

actually i was listening to sum cool music too.. and um.. i dunno as i read wot u said.. i actually realised!!!

.. wow!!! U R SO RITE!!!


thanks so much!!! u know i think ive been punishing myself for too long!!




OK!!... bak in action baby!!! yeayh!!


thankz bro!!


oh and.... 18 btw



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