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What did he mean by this?


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I'm 18(well I'm turning 18 soon anyways). I went to the doctors today, to get my arm looked at(I didn't get an x-ray) the doctor just had to examine it because I recently hurt it pretty badly. I go to an all ages doctor. I haven't seen this doctor since I turned 16. The reason is he has more than one office so he isn't at the one I go to that much. He told my parents this "Dylan has grown up alot since the last time I have seen him." I haven't gained any weight and I'm not that much taller than the last time I saw him. I look the same and have not changed much in the past 2 years. I'm not overweight, but I do suffer from bad body image/ body dysmorphia, and I suffer with depression as well. So sometimes I can take things the wrong way because of those things. I'm thinking maybe he said that because I dressed a little nicer than what I wore the last time I saw him. I had on(today) a navy t-shirt, plaid button up, and black slim fit pants. Last time I saw him, I wore loose fitting jeans, and a shirt. What do you think he could have meant? And has anyone else ever been in a situation like this before, if so what did you think?


Sorry if I put this in the wrong category, I wasn't sure which one to put it in.

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I don't think there is any real meaning behind his comment. Sounds like it was merely saying "gee, he's looking all grown up now" as one does when seeing someone you haven't seen for a couple of years. 16 year old boys and 18 year old boys - yes, you DO notice a difference in how much they have grown.

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Hey Dylan. Please don't worry. Everyone changes all the time every day and if someone hasn't seen you for 2 years they will notice a simple "growing" difference..... It's only natural and nothing to worry about It may have even been your lovely choice of clothes he was complementing! What do you think he meant I guess that may be something to ask? Xx

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