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So I went on a second date with this girl who I met online. It lasted all day and we both had a really great time. The next morning she sent me a text of a painting class she wanted to take and I said we should go to it. She said yes.


A couple hours later I asked if she wanted to get dinner before we go since the class is at 6:30. She didn't reply for a long time so I sent another text asking her if she wanted to. She still didn't reply so I sent a snapchat and she opened them but didn't reply so I kinda got worried and said please reply. She told me I was acting crazy. But I think we're still going on our date because I needed a photo to send to the class so I told her don't forget to send me the photo and she said ok. I'm just wondering if I should wait till she texts me again or wait a few days and text her again?


I know I screwed the whole texting thing up. I always assume the worst when I shouldn't but I can't take what I say back and I'm trying to get better at that.

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Well, it's good you see you screwed up.


For me, personally, especially after only a couple dates, I will intentionally space text messages out. It's not because I'm playing hard to get or anything, but because I don't like texting frequently with people I know and care about, much less someone I just went on a date or two with. I try to discourage it and if it's not exceptionally time sensitive, I might let it go for a little bit.


Just give her time to do whatever she wants to do in her life before she decides to return your text. Wait until the night before or the morning of your next date and suggest a place for dinner if she'd like to just to solicit a response and make sure you're still on. But definitely wait until then or when she responds. Show her you're not needy.

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you text her, then text her again, then sent snap chat(s) and then text her again.. . that's over 4 attempts without a response and she tells you that you were acting crazy. . Yah, I would say you need to dial it way back. She's letting you know your style of communication is a little too intense for her. You asked for the photo and she confirmed.

The ball is in her court and wouldn't cross the line and grab the ball.

You should just sit back and exhibit some self control and wait for her response. If none, then I think she's lost interest.

I hope you take something away from this and try to dial your excitement way back. .especially in the initial stages.

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you text her, then text her again, then sent snap chat(s) and then text her again.. . that's over 4 attempts without a response and she tells you that you were acting crazy. . Yah, I would say you need to dial it way back. She's letting you know your style of communication is a little too intense for her. You asked for the photo and she confirmed.

The ball is in her court and wouldn't cross the line and grab the ball.

You should just sit back and exhibit some self control and wait for her response. If none, then I think she's lost interest.

I hope you take something away from this and try to dial your excitement way back. .especially in the initial stages.


I have dialed it back and I realized what I did was stupid. I'm definitely going to change that. I was just confused because she would always text me first everyday and we would talk for a while. So I just assumed the worst. I still regret it. She did text me on accident this morning but I'm going to wait for her to contact me now

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