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Talking to the girl for the first time

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okay, I really like this girl but I don't know how to engage in conversation with her. She knows I like her and a wrote her a poem, but I jsut can't find the courage and/or don't know what to say. I really like this girl, shes a single hottie and my love for her grows everyday. She told my friend she liek ssomeone else though rightnow and doens't really know me, so this is a problem. Can anyone please help. Should I send flowers? Should I call?

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I understand how you feel. I myself wrote a post similar to yours months back and, needless to say, things have improved. all you need to do is approach her while she's alone and just start with


"Hi (her name)! how are you?"

Girls love to talk! this will get her started and she'll come up with a topic and continue the conversation fairly easily! and if she doesnt, just look at her make an observation (her hair, clothes, etc) and compliment her on it


The other stuff about her telling your friend she likes someone else could be a problem but you may just make her forget about the other guy. besides, she might just be playing hard to get.



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