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Being thrown down unmercifully

-shows me how badly you want me


public places

-seriously, I LOVE the excitement of getting caught and having to be hush hush. Then walking out with the "I just got laid, and you didn't" look


pain mixed with the pleasure

-hairpulling, scratching, biting


mid-action snapshots

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My fetishes are:


-Cologne: I love the way a guy smells when he's wearing cologne (hope that's how you spell it)...it makes me want to jump all over him.


-Dark hair...I love guys who have a nice head of thick black hair that I can run my fingers through.


-Glasses: really hot on certain guys - depends on the shape of them too.


-A guy's back...I love grabbing a guy's muscled back...it's more of a turn on than having a 6 pack...(to me at least heheh)


If I think of any more...I'll add a few lol

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im just like sonic101, i wear glasses, farhenheit cologne (sometimes swiss army or axe) and i got a pretty muscular back..i swim...im 15 though....i'll shut up too...i don't like to brag....


i like shy girls with hair straight down...medium long, brown or "dirty blonde"....i like girls' wastes

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