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I can't seem to move on from my ex, feel so confused..

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This has all been dragging on for such a long time.I dont know where to start really..we were together officially for a year, in march last year I ended it. He seemed really nice at the start and I thought he was the one. He told me he loved me all the time. But he showed signs of a bad temper,was verbally abusive a few times and in texts, telling me to fxxx off and name calling.I used to back down to keep the peace and things would be ok again.he threw a drink at the wall in my house once because I had spilled some on him, a few times after arguments my car was damaged mysteriously. The last straw was when I had forgotten to reply to a text after a night out, and he broke into my home while I slept. He said it was because he was worried about me. I ended it after this and a while later we started meeting again, then he left me for another woman.I also found out he had possibly cheated on me numerous times. When that ended, he got in touch again. So we began to text again and met up a few times. It seemed we were getting back together..although he texted lots he didn't make big efforts to see me like I thought he should. But then I discovered he was on a dating site.when I confronted him, he threw me put of the house in the night. No concern for my safety. A few days later I found he had made an anonymous call to my work making allegations that I take drugs.luckily work know me well.

Now 3 months later he is seeing my friends ex, who hates me for some reason.Apparently he takes her out everywhere and treats her to meals out etc. Whilst I am still alone and still feeling really confused about what went on. Its like the last 2 years have been a blur .The reason I have gone into so much detail here is that I want to know, was it my fault and not his, if he is treating someone else better? Did I do wrong somehow? And I keep getting told his business the new girl messages me and friends tell me stuff, I just can't get it all out of my head.How can I? Sorry its so long.

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Moving on is never easy. Just because you still care and think about that person does not mean u r not or can't move on. Do your own things, and stuff you enjoy. Treat yourself well and in a way you deserve to be treated. It will take a long time to get them out of ur head, but that's ok. Most of us can be this way. But you don't stop living your life. Don't beat yourself up for still thinking about this person. Being abusive or mean is not ok, although you care about this person, accepting maltreatment from them is never okay.

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Ok .. You love him.. But Do you really want to spend the rest of the life with him? Do u think that he will be a different person? U have to move on. He doesnt love you, and he doesnt respect your feelings? always know that your life, your happiness is much more important to you than to anybody else.

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