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Sees a bright future but cannot commit at the moment? Help please

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Hi all:


I was sent a letter last Saturday, as boyfriend previously asked for space to think during the past 2 weeks.


Just wondering whether any of you have heard of/ experienced a situation where the boyfriend insists he sees a bright future, however due to financial(in process of moving out from ex's home+he is picky about finding a good neighborhood within reasonable budget) and emotional (in pain over previous troublesome 5-year relationship which officially broke off last year) reasons, cannot currently commit? I am not even sure if I am still in a relationship, and I am not sure whether he still loves me or I should continue to love him the way I used to?

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Hi Moderator:


I think I will take your advice and move on with my life.


Thank you for your reply!!


May I request the quoted section of the letters to be hidden or deleted? I think the main body of my post can address the situation and the letter quotes are somewhat private in this matter. I would really appreciate this! Thanks again!

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May I request the quoted section of the letters to be hidden or deleted? I think the main body of my post can address the situation and the letter quotes are somewhat private in this matter. I would really appreciate this! Thanks again!

The quoted private letters have been deleted.

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