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No trust plus anxiety


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I haven't moved from my couch in a week. Thinking of picking up and leaving to the military. Everything in my house reminds me of him, objects, smells, everything. I'm going back to work next week. Meeting the psychologist on Monday, that should help. I'm just walking around in a cloak of shame for going to the extreme to hurt myself; that adds another layer of crazy. I'm struggling to eat or even drink anything.

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Sounds like your boyfriend has good reason to get angry with you.


This woman has just stated that she's physically hurting herself over this situation. Why would you possibly fan the flame by saying something like this?


She fell asleep watching TV with a neighbor who happens to be an ex. I'm not sure how that warrants name calling and never speaking to someone again. But I'm glad he did, because he sounds like he is way too young and way too controlling.

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I have taken the measures to get healthy for myself and for others. He and I have had some communication, I only have my word to go by but that's the truth; i never have, nor wold i every cheat. We were both wrong and agree. This is not an easy fix but I tell you one thing, complete sobriety feels pretty damn good. I have faith that this will turn out as it should, this is just the beginning of a very long road.

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