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my boyfriend doesn't like to have sex with me

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some one help me my boyfriend doesn't like to have sex with me. I don't know what to do. It's been 5 mos, now ..I love him i know i do i don't know how he feels he never wants to talk about it . I am feed up with it . I love sex alot I have cheated on him a few times for sex i don't want to do it but there no other way. I tell him what up but never nothing Can someone help me I Don't know what to do .

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hey that other reply was kind of sh*tty in my oppinion. Anway, I don't see why any guy would turn down sex, is he gay? j/k Look don't cheat on the guy, that sucks. If sex is that important break up and move on. Yeah i know easier said than done. I don't know i guess im not much of a help here... but i got two words for you, "sex toys!" yeah not the same...okay maybe you should confront the silly b@$tard. Try making the first moves???? maybe supprise attack him!!! or get him drunk! NO NO just kidding! No bad idea!!! I wish i had a girl that wanted sex as much as you, well maybe not to the cheating extent, but you get my point.


ps thats not a come on....


Good luck

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hiya lovely22. i don't blame you for cheating, if i was with a girl who wasn't interested in sex, i'd put a " WOMEN,IT'S YOURS IF YOU WANT IT" sign on my chest. Unless he knows about your cheating, i can't understand why he would hold out...it's kinda like neglect ! If i were you,i'd give it one last try...say to him (when there is an appropriate situation) " i want you to **** the **** out of me right now!" . If he doesn't comply,dump him...plenty of blokes out there would luv a gf with your attitude to sex. He sounds like an asexual nerd . good luck 8)

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Sounds like you have a lot of communication issues in your relationship. Sorry to say but if you cheated on him because of the lack of sexual activity in your relationship, then you might as well end the relationship now. YOU CHEATED ON HIM! Don't try to justify cheating by saying he's not giving it to you. If you loved him like you say you do, then you would have tried to get an open dialogue going first, then if nothing, end the relationship. But instead you jumped into the bed of another man to satisfy your sexual hunger. Even though it is sort of understandable, it is not justifiable. Think about that for a moment. There's obviously something going on in the head of your man, and you obviously are not asking the right questions to find out what the problem is.


I feel sorry for the both of you. You say you love him, but you cheat. You're just throwing that word around. If you truly loved him, you wouldn't have. You need to start talking to him and get that communication flowing. I'll be honest here and this may hurt you a bit, but guys don't just stop having sex with their girlfriends for no reason. Get to the bottom of it, and do it soon. I've seen this situation happen a few times, and when guys stop having sex with their girlfriends, it means they are not attracted to them anymore, or they are GETTING IT FROM SOMEONE ELSE!

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hey if you think that i give a shitty opinion, so be it!i'lkl respect your opinion anyway..but she shoukd understand that there are really deeper issues concerns that she ned to sort out with his boyfriend,got it???

im so sorry if i you think i don't give her a help, maybe you're too intelligent enough....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow...mine, too. Although it hasn't been that long. It's more like an off and on thing. I always make the first move, introduce new things, etc. He says it's because he works so hard and what have you...That may be true, but it makes me feel like an old shoe. I say leave him. Is he sick? Did he hurt himself? While sex isn't the most important thing, it is important to a degree, and the point of being in a relationship is to have monogamous sex with the person you love and/or care about. If he said, "look, hon, I need to (insert excuse/reason here) and I have to abstain for a while. I want to be with you, can you please wait for me"...then I'd say that was pretty sweet. But it sounds like you're getting nothing but denied. Don't cheat, but break it off. It's going to suck, but in the end you'll be much happier with yourself, and if he wants you, he'll realize what an idiot he has been.


Uh...you are of age, right? You're not like, 14 or anything? If so, forget what I said and wait until you're older.

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