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Confused as to if she likes me or not


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So I thought i'd write this just for some advice or if anyone has been in the same situation or if any women know.

So to start from the beginning so there's no details left out so bare with me.

I go to gym a lot, and about mid way of last year, I notced this girl was looking at me. I didn't care to much but then about a week later, I saw her again and she kept looking at me. Through out the rest of last year, it kept happening. She would be in there, we'd see each other and look at each other but not talk (I never talked to her because she was friends with a a girl and the girls boyfriend who dislikes me) anyway, start of this year, I was getting ready to train, and she comes up to me asking if I was using a machine. I said no and then we started talking.


It was a pretty chilled conversation of getting to know and introduce myself to her. So, I added her on facebook that night, she accepted but I didn't talk to her. She messages me and then we start talking from there. I see her out in the club the following weekend, she came up and hugged me, we talked and then hang out for a bit to get to know her.


You'd think by what ive said, things are good right? Well this is where it gets sticky. I asked her if she was doing anything on the weekend and she said the "famous" "ill let you know" line. I said I was going to this club but I had to stay and help my mate who was heavily intoxicated. She ended up going but I had to say I couldn't make it. that was last month. She gave me her number because she said it be easier to talk to her (I didn't ask for her number at any stage) and she was out about 2 weeks ago and she said she was bored and I asked her what she'd want more outta the club or me and she said me. So for the past week, I've been trying to see her and here's where it gets really confusing.


She asked me the other night why i'd like her and that and I told her because she was attractive and we have a lot in common and share the same ambitions and then she went all weird like she claime dher friend hacked her phone but then she started sending random texts like "Cleaning my car" and "its so hetic" all thse random things. She works all week so its hard to see her weekdays so really, weekends are the only chance, besides gym.

Tonight at gym, she came and I didn't approach her or make a fuss, she waved at me, I waved back,she came up and talked for a bit. Then we left and I asked her as she was leaving what she was doing this week. Of course, she was working all week and I said how about Saturday. And she said ill let you know, I have a 21st but I might be free, I said id message her on facebook later even though she can't get on facebook because she has no interent, but I haven't messaged her, in fact I stopped messaging her after the weird night the other night.

Some key facts

1: She most of the time starts the interacting.

2: She gave out her number

3: Sometimes she replys straight away, other times she takes an hour or more. Longest has been about 12 hours.

4: She always stares at me at gym, even after we've known each other, I catch her staring at me.

5; If I say something to her like she;s attractive or I want her to be with me right now, she'll send me this emoji of a monkey covering it's eyes or a smiley face with it's tongue out

6: If I talk about something sexually, she'll get excited or she'll send the smily face with the tongue out

7: Her and me pretty much like the same thing in everything.

The most confusing thing that is baffling me is that if she isn't interested, why would she do all those things? I know that if I talk to a girl but im not interested in her, I wouldn't do any of those things. + If I don't reply back, 99% of the time she replies again even though I didn't reply back.

Just curious to know where I stand, because too be honest, im not sure if she thinks I just want her for sex because I ask a little bit to see her or she's playing me or just shy so any advice would be nice

Thanks (-:

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Well, do you like her or not?


Her motive: maybe she's courting attention? Maybe she likes you but isn't completely available.


I'm wondering why you care so much? Do you like her?


Yeah of course. I've tried making plans and have told her how I feel hence when she asked me why im interested in her.

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I asked because you seemed neutral about her, you said: "about mid way of last year, I notced this girl was looking at me. I didn't care to much but then about a week later, I saw her again and she kept looking at me"


If you keep making plans and she shrugs it off, I would say just forget it. She is either unavailable or not that interested. It doesn't matter that she struck up conversation. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

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I asked because you seemed neutral about her, you said: "about mid way of last year, I notced this girl was looking at me. I didn't care to much but then about a week later, I saw her again and she kept looking at me"


If you keep making plans and she shrugs it off, I would say just forget it. She is either unavailable or not that interested. It doesn't matter that she struck up conversation. It doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


That's because I didn't take it serious because I've had other girls stare at me but none actually introducing themselves.

Well that's the thing. I can't do nothing with her mon-fri because she works so I see her at gym once maybe twice a week. Last Saturday she went to a gym do thati was suppose to go to but I went somewhere else and the week before was the other time that I didn't make it so it's not like she's rejected me just I didn't turn up to stuff.


If it doesn't matter or mean anything, why des she keep texting and staring at me when she sees me? I would've thought if it doesn't matter why someone would keep staring at someone.

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