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Can I trust her?

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I recently found the most amazing chick ever. Never thought it was possible but i did. By far she is the most beautiful women me or my friends have seen. We have been dating for a month now and my question is, can i trust her>? Ive been reeally really burned in the past, but i met this girl at a party and she was making out with a couple guys there. Well we started talking and i got her number. Well she claims that she loves just hanging out or being with me no matter what we do, but i find that is a little bogus. Last night after elaving her house she said she was gonna sleep, well as i was letting my car warm up, 10 minutes later here she comes out of her house hair all done, and jumps into one of her brothers friends car. Pretty soon they both leave into the house where her brother was having his friends over. Now tonight she got mad at me because i didnt know if i shoulda called her or just dropped it and save myself some pain. She ended up going to a party where all those guys she was making out with from the party i met her at, are. Im sitting here wanting to blast myself because its just the same thing over again from my past relationship. Can i trust her? thanks

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Can you trust her? Sure. You can do lots of things. But you obviously don't, and it's been so little time and so little emotional investment already that it almost doesnt make sense to continue. So what if she's pretty? If you're not happy then none of that matters.


I'm not gonna pass judgement on a chick I havent ever met, but let me say this; The TYPE of girl that makes out with "a couple of guys" at a party is the type of girl with the capacity to cheat. It's a morals, values, and self-worth thing, in my opinion. If thats not something you want to deal with, then break this thing off. Things like this get worse, not better, with time.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but her fidelity isn't looking very promising.


I think you're right to be suspicious. If you are already catching her in lies, it's only going to get worse. Trust is important, and lack of it is not a good foundation to start a relationship.


I wouldn't keep your frustrations inside, and I would in all likelihood end things now, it will only get harder.


I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but that's just my opinions.


Good luck!

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I agree...if she is floating around from guy to guy, then chances are she is not going to be the type to be good girlfriend material. And lying just clinches it. Nobody should have to lie in a good relationship. Considering it's only been a month, though, hopefully your feelings aren't too strong to end it.


PS. Sometimes the "hot" girls aren't the only ones that are worthwhile

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She doesn't sound like the faithful type. She obviously knows she's hot. She's living it up right now. Why would she - the "most beautiful girl" you and your friends have ever seen who was making out with SEVERAL guys at ONE party - want to stay with just one guy? So, no, you can't trust her.

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