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Got a piercing about a week ago..

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So I got my rim pierced (upper ear) last saturday, and i've been cleaning it everyday, soap and water, and a sea salt/water solution that they told us to use. It's been secreting stuff, making it crusty, which they said it would do and it's a good thing.. but I woke up this morning.. and my ear is all swollen. Just wondering if that's a bad thing. Or if it should get checked out. I don't think it's infected. But anyway... if anyone might have some other cleaning tips... or anything.. and if you could answer my previous question (bout swelling) it would be appreciated.

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If you think it might be infected the only thing you can do is keep doing what you've been doing. Make sure your pillow case is clean and make sure you don't touch the piercing at all. The only time you should touch it is when you're cleaning it. If it doesn't get any better then you need to go see a doctor. Even a little piercing like that can get infected and get out of hand. You could try going to see your piercer before you go to a doctor. Just wait a couple of days and see what happens. If it doesn't get any better then decide what you should do from there.

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i was told that if there is swelling that it is a bad thing. i don't have my ear pierced up there but they said for the regular that it was bad and you should take the earring out. you also might want to make sure you aren't getting shampoo in it cuz that is suppose to be bad, and i think the soap might be also, but don't take my word on the soap. i would go back to the place you got it done and ask what to do if you still aren't sure.

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I wasn't sure about this so i did a bit of looking and came up with the following link:


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You just have to click "yes" next to the description that best suits what type of swelling you have and it will take you to a page telling you what course of action to take.


I hope that helps!

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i got my cartilage pierced two weeks ago....it got infeced a few days later so my doctor gave me antibiotics to put on it...i used that for 10 days and now its healing fine...i get the same stuff that comes out in the morning and sometimes theres dry blood around it...it may be infected if its swollen like you said...but cartilage does take a longer time to heal so just keep it clean and donnnttttt touch it

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