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I need diet advice please!

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Hi everybody,

I am 29 years old, height 170cm, my normal weight is about 60 kg, but 4 months ago I started to work as cabin crew and I completely changed my lifestyle, sometimes I am awake during night,and then I sleep during the day, so I guess that my metabolism has changed. I started to gain weight, not a lot,like 2 kg,3 kg,but still I don't want it to go more.

In aircraft we can eat sandwiches or hot meals which is not healthy food,and I don't like it.Plus I am vegetarian,almost vegan.

I don't want to give lots of money to some"expert"advices and diets, I read about good experiences of people who followed UN diet and hrono, but I wonder if it works if your life is irregular.

Advice please,

Thank you!

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Get a calorie counting app and log what you eat. Don't eat more cals than you are allowed.


Any diet that depends on you buying something, is selling something and it's usually snake oil.


I just looked at that undiet, and unless you are celiac, there is no reason for going gluten free at all. It's just encouraging faddy eating.

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The calorie counting apps work well for some people, but they make me focus on food too much. If I see I can only eat 500 calories more for the rest of the day it makes me worry, "what if I'm still hungry after that? Am I still hungry?" So then I'm thinking about food a lot.


I don't eat at regular meal times, I just eat when I'm hungry. Avocados, almonds, fruits, soymilk/almond milk are all good. You could bring raw veggies- broccoli, carrots.


In all reality my diet probably isn't that balanced so I'm not one to give out diet advice. Maybe just look up some of the foods you commonly eat for the calorie content. ie, a cup of Starbucks can easily be 400 calories, which adds up if you get them a lot. Maybe you just have a couple foods that are higher in calorie than you assumed & it's sabotaging your efforts. If you are on a plane it's hard to get exercise but maybe try adding more active things to do when you are off work.


I also have to agree that there is zero benefit to gluten-free diets if you aren't allergic or have celiac disease, other than draining your wallet.

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Thank you for your answers, I didn't even know that there is a counting calorie app

Definitely I should bring my own food there, it really started to worry me, one by one kg can easily lead me to 10 more, which I don't want. And thing is that I am exercising every day off. Aircraft food makes me getting fat, I am never buying starbucks and such brands, those meals in aircraft are not healthy, and on long flights I have no other options. But what should I prepare for eating there,there is no micro wave, only oven...

My friend gained a lots of weight and now she is giving 1/3 of salary for food to be prepared to her, "weight loss program", for one month she lost 400 gram That much about it.

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You can search online for "healthy sack lunches" or something like that. I found this website with some recipes you might like. Some have meat so they won't all work for you:

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At my old job I would grill veggie burgers the night before & just eat them cold. Not the best tasting thing ever but they are healthy, low calorie & took care of hunger.


It all just depends on the food you like. I couldn't do a salad for lunch everyday; it's just not my thing. Couscous is healthy & really good with dried cranberries. Some things are meant to be eaten warm but they are still palatable cold.


Magazines also have tend to have a lot of healthy recipes. Start by finding a few that you like & as you run accross other things you might like, add to your recipe collection. Try to pair carbs with protein to slow absorption & keep blood sugar levels even (ie, an apple with peanut butter).


You can always see a dietician for more ideas on a healthy, balanced diet!

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Hello there,

I dont think that a calorie counting app is necessary, just follow the basics, they always work.


Dont eat the food they serve you, prefer to bring your own food, try to make small meals through-out the day and drink as much water as you can. I am a busy man myself, I leave home at 9:30 in the morning and return at 11-11:30 at night. I walk around with a bag with 3-4 plastic bags filled with food + some protein shakes and fruits. At first people though I was a weirdo but if you want to take care of your body you have to do that.


As a vegetarian - vegan, I am not the right person to suggest sample meals to you but you can google pretty much everything as far as making your own meals is concerned, but I guess you can carry some vegan burgers ( as mentioned above ), salads, nuts, fruits, some "good" carbs + veggies and so on.

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Just count your calories and your daily caloric expenditure using a calculator online. You need to log in your height, weight and lifestyle.


Then, stay slightly under those calories to lose weight, or increase physical activity.


At the end of the day, it is all about calories. You could only eat blocks of chocolate for a week and you will still lose weight if you eat under your expenditure. Not saying this is a good idea, as you will be nutritionally starved.

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