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The bridge (just read)


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So I always wondered if I'm the only one who has ever had a bridge...let me explain its not a rebound because you guys never have sex or establish a relationship but its more of a companionship like you guys go out eat text and hangout together but hes not your friend either...I call it the bridge guy because he helps you into getting back into the dating world by helping you walk away from your past and looking towards the future....one thing though is to always be clear you are not looking for a relationship because you want both parties to be aware...anywho I had a bridge buy who helped me a lot known him for almost 4 months now and hes a really great guy but not my dating type our companionship is slowly turning into a friendship which is great seeing that I'm dating someone else and hes ok with that I just wondered was I the only person who has a bridge oh and they are awesome at helping you get through those rough holidays too lol anywho leave your thoughts

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I'm a guy and and I've had a "bridge girl" once I suppose! This wasn't someone I dated but I hung out with them quite a bit after a break up because I was an emotional train wreck and they did make my life better. I don't really speak to them anymore but I had a good time with them. Sounds like a logical thing to me. I guess that is part of life.

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I think I have...

Both of us started talking on dating site. Both had been broken up from our Ex's.. only months ago.

We met up & had coffee then watched a movie.. so in ways.. yes, bridge guy. We just talk.. is nice.

Another guy.. more local also took me to a movie & we're just friends. Don';t talk too often lately, but we are friends and know the other is there.


So i think that is all okay. With NO expectations and more 'respect'. Just because this 'friend' isn't same sex.. is okay too.

Good to have someone like that around.

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