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i love him, but i cant trust him

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i love my bf, but i cant trust him. he kissed his ex the other day, an intimate kiss and it has ripped me up into pieces. i can feel myself goin crazy inside.

is the reltionship over or does it still stand a chance


please reply


qt xxx

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Not being able to trust someone is an integral part in a relationship. Its hard to love someone at the same time and not trust them b/c even though you may love him you will question everything that he does in the relationship.

Its up to you if the relationship can stand a chance, how much are you hurting, are you hurting enough to try or are you at the point where you can't take it anymore? IF you are at the point where you can't take it anymore and its hurting to much or driving you insane walk away b/c your sanity matters more than your love for him. There's a saying if you love it let it kill ya, I disagree. IF he is not willing to do the things he once did to earn your trust again, LEAVE!!! It will hurt to go but I'm a strong believer in TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS.

Be true to yourself and put YOU first and everything else after.

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If he kissed his ex the other day, you shouldn't trust him. Why would he put himself into a position to cheat on you like that? Passionate kisses don't 'just happen'.


If I were you, I'd give him his "hit the road" papers. A kiss = cheating = doesn't deserve to be trusted.


If you are okay with having a boyfriend who you will never trust, stick around and try to work it out. I'll tell ya something though, once you lose that CORE trust that you have for someone, it never comes back to what it was. You will always have doubts, every time he's not with you you will wonder where he is, who he's with, what he's doing, etc.

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maybe I shouldn't ask this but how do you know he kissed his ex? Did he tell you? or what? not be able to trust your bf is a terrible thing to put yourself through. Chances are your never going to trust him again and your always gonna be wondering if he's gonna be doing it again.I guess you need to ask yourself if he's really worth that. I can tell you this I was in your same situation, I posted on here about a million times, because I was hurting so bad. You have to sit back and ask yourself, "is he really worth this" and why is he treated you this way. Think about your feelings and not his, take care of you.

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I'm in the same boat as you. I've never caught my boyfriend cheating but I've suspected it and I have caught him in several lies....and I'm still with him. It has been very hard for me to trust anyway but it's not like my boyfriend helps the situation out any. I've been driving myself crazy wondering what he's doing and who he's with and I wake up with horrible anxiety. This is no way to keep a relationship...at least not a healthy one. I've decided I either need to take a leap of faith and hope for the best or just break it off because we can't go on with me feeling like this.


My point is, only you know your relationship. You know the history you share with him. Can you move past it and let it go? You really need to talk to him and let him know how you feel. Does he feel any remourse for what he did? Is he willing to work on the trust issues you have with him?


I think a lot of people post here (myself included) because we are looking for solutions other than leaving the relationship. We all want to know how to make our dysfunction work. I think there is hope for the two of you to make this work, but you BOTH have to be willing.

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I would say there might be a slight chance of hope between you and your bf, if this is the first time he has ever done something like this. You can put it behind you (easier said than done), and really compromise and talk it out with him.

If he is willing to listen to you and understand how it makes you feel, and shows how sorry he is, maybe he deserves a second chance. But kissing his ex? come on. How disrespectful is that to you.

Like a lot of people say here, "actions speak louder than words". They dont say that for nothing, dear.

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