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does praying to god for better things to come work?





like if you are in a jam, will god answer your prayers? is there a right or wrong way to pray and worship the lord.? especially when things are going wrong at this time?


does it work at all ? should I stop the faith I believe in a higher power but I was afraid but also not dedicated to God.


Just concerned if I need to do something in order to have balance.


any help would be appreciated......

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Well, I'm not a very religious person, but I don't think praying to God will ever hurt. I've been through a lot in my lifetime even though I'm only 25 and I still believe that He wouldn't give us any more than what He thinks that we can handle. I guess that's what gets me through.


Anyways, I pray everyday even for the stupidest things. Most of the time they are just general requests. "Help me get through this today" or "Help me figure out what to do". I don't usually ask for specific things because things will work out how they're supposed to in the end I guess. He is "the man with the plan," right?


I don't know if that helped you out or not. I went to Catholic school for 12 years of my life and had it drilled into my head every day.

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i agree. i believe that god answers prayers. sometimes the answers aren't exactly how we think they're going to be answered, but if we trust in Him, he will work things out for our good. there's no right or wrong way to pray. just talk to Him like a good friend. god is there for anyone to talk to. if you ever want to talk about it, i'm here. take care!


check this site out

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it's helpful

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Prayers do work. However, you don't necessarily get what you pray for, you get what you need. Say you pray to get an A on a test and don't study, then end up with a C. Well you do still have put out effort to get what you want. You can pray for insight, and you will receive it (not what you want to hear necessarily but what you need to hear).


I believe fully in the power of prayer.

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Well, anything involving religion is up to debate. Some people believe that God answers prayers, others don't. It's a matter of personal belief and opinion.


Personally, I think there is no harm but it doesn't do much good either. Like Jetta said about the test, you can pray for something but you still have to put in the effort yourself. Some people get caught up in the idea that if they pray then God will automatically help them out. But I've always held that God helps those that help themselves.


That's not to say there is anything wrong with prayer. Praying is not about God doing something for us. If you expect that God is going to answer your prayers and make everything better, you are missing the point. Praying is about giving yourself confidence that things will be ok. It is about feeling better about the situation. It is about feeling like there is a connection between you and God. And in my opinion, the prayers that God would respond to the most are prayers for other people, not yourself.


Really, it's a matter of personal belief. Listen to your heart and it will tell you what is right for you. There is no right or wrong way to practice religion. As long as you are trying to be a good person and do the right thing, that's what matters.

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I mean, I know God exists but talking to him praying expressing your fears , how do you know if he is listening?


My problems are like a rollercoaster and balance is the key I am just wondering if God, I mean, if I ask him or tell him, will he be there to guide me through it to help determine my destiny? Has prayer helped you find meaning and purpose in life?

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The thing is, you don't know if God's listening. You don't know that she will hear you and help you out. That's where faith comes in. Some people choose to have faith in God and believe it. Others don't. You honestly can't tell for certain. But if you believe it to be true, then you can make it true. It's the power of positive thought. I think prayer is not so much about God guiding us as it is about believing in and feeling some sort of relationship with God. The same with going to church or reading a bible. It allows us to feel that one-on-one relationship and helps us to believe that God is there for us. When we feel that connection, then we tend to have more confidence that things will go well. Just that extra bit of confidence can motivate us to go out and make the best of whatever situation we are in.

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