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I have been dating this women for 7 months.. she is going through a lot a divorce 2 kids full time demanding job ans full time student.... I understand all the I never took her time away from her when she needed it we didn't see each other a lot... well 4 weeks ago I have never felt more loved by a women in my life ever.. then 2 weeks later she wants to slow things down. Then needs time because she can't be in anything serious right now.. I anything sled her on Saturday if she wanted me to wait she replied she won't ask that of me because that would be selfish then I ask if we r done and never got one response.... we have talked a few times since then but I don't want to lose this women she is the love of my life what do I do she keeps saying she is scared

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Have you ever gone through a divorce? It's the craziest time of a person's life, and it involves deep regret, high emotion and often rage. It is NOT the time for dating.


I'd let her know that you adore her and can picture the two of you together in the future, but you also understand that your timing is awful. She's welcome to contact you after her divorce has been finalized and she's worked through everything she needs to work through in order to view herself as dating material again, and you look forward to enjoying a great relationship with her someday if she's inclined.


While this may sound risky and difficult, it preserves your potential for a future with her. Otherwise, you can keep trying to hang on, but that's rebound territory and pretty dismal.


Head high.

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And this is why you don't date when you are GETTING divorced! Waiting till it is all over, you have your life somewhat put back together and have made sure your children are okay and well adjusted to the new family dynamic is the number one priority.

She on the other hand looked to fill a void and it sounds like she used you to fill that void I am afraid.


Contact her one more time and tell her that it probably wasn't a good idea to get into a relationship with her until her divorce was final and her life was her own. Tell her that once she is totally single and has time to date to look you up but you are getting on with your life. Then leave it at that.


Chasing after her, promising to wait, being needy and weak will not work. Making your statement and walking away with your head high is your best bet. Then heal from the loss and get on with your life.



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