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should i go to TJ?


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Hey, i am being pressured into going to TJ Tomarrow after school.

well not pressured. but this is the deal


i know this girl, i met her at a concert, shes like best friends of the singer of my favorite band. and thats how i met her. we have been talking every day practicly, and we both wanna hang out. now i wanna hang out with her, ive only seen her and talked to her a little bit in person. but tomarrow will be like a all day hangout, for the first time. this is the thing. i dont drink. or smoke. its not that i decide not to. its i am inexperinced in it. and i know its bad and stuff. but i wanna expericence it. you know?


there is NO WAY i am telling my parents im going out to TJ with This girl (who is 2 years older than me) and her friend (who i dont even know) to drink and stuff.


but i trust her and stuff. its only her and her friend. do you think i should go? i mean its mexico.... i dont know. please fill me in. i have never been in mexico. i dont know what to do, and what not to do.. any advice?

other than "dont drink the water" ?

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Sounds like a really bad idea to me...


I really drank for the first time late this summer. My first time more than just a couple of sips. I would definitely say it was the worst expirence of my life. Not only did I get I get drunk, I was caught.


You never think it'll happen to you, but yea, its easy to get drunk your first time. You feel like you're strong and can take it all: I wasn't any different. I drank enough to just mess with my logic....which lead me to drink more. This lead me to be completely irrational, and I drank even more. I drank more than a full glass (12oz) of Skyy Vodca, a HUGE daquri, and at least 5 double shots of jagar meister (disgusting stuff). That night I threw up 12 times......yes 12! By the time my parents got home, I had soiled a good portion of my family room's carpet.


After crying in front of my furious parents for about an hour and a half (from the guilt and irrationality of being drunk) I fell asleep. I awoke to a piercing headache and a overwealming feeling of nausia....leading me to throw up again, this time a green substance (????).


Man, that day was really terrible. I'm just glad I had my sister to back me up. She was the one who really got the drinks and offered them to me (I would never had accepted outside the realm of her "protection" if you will).


All im saying man is, it can really end up bad. I wish I could gain back the trust I lost from my parents that day. I dont want the same to happen to you....but that's just me.



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i wouldnt go man. say youre busy or something. mexico can be a very dangerous place, especially for 2 kids alone. there are a lot of places where Americans get mugged b/c they have money & the poor civilians in towns know this & ambush tourists. try explaining THAT to your mom! play it safe & stay home.



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but youre gonna do what u want anyway...so as a bartender i give you these tips:


*if youre gonna drink like the mexicans drink Jose Cuervo, 1500, or a type of Blue Agave. those are 3 good tequilas!


*Coronas taste like ****. *yuck!*


*Margaritas are best served on the rocks w/ a salt rimmed glass & garnished w/ a lime.




-DG724 signing off

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Must I BEAT some sense into you, the answere is obvious, dont freakin' go. I mean if your going to drink then for crying out loud do it in your own state. besides, what an ugly and awquard conversation it would make if something went wrong, observe: "uhh, mom, dad, im stuck in Mexico, and I need you to come get me." Sorry for the anger of this post, but it just seems so blatently obvious to me.

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I agree with OCS Virus, don't go. If you really want to experiment, do it at home, or at least in a place where you feel safe. Going somewhere you've never been before, and with two almost complete strangers is a BAD IDEA. I hope you listen to our advice.....

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I hope you don't go to mexico. I live 15 minutes from the border and I go all the time but im 36 and my family is Mexican. We used to have a house over there... we still have friends there...very different from a white young guy going down there...or a bunch of kids going.


Over here the stories of kids getting smashed and getting stopped( arrested) at the bridge are common, especially around Spring break. Or the occasional news story about kids that got killed while driving back drunk at 3 am.


I can't tell you I never did it though. I did it once. I remember going when I was 20 with some friends into a bar. It was happy hour so we paid for our first drinks and they were good not too much liquor, but the second round omg it they were loaded--and I think they were loaded on purpose. Then this ugly guy with long claw-like nails comes to our table and starts hitting on my friend... ugh...we left at that point. We did not want to be drunk and in Mexico( and the bar was full of men looking at us... a bunch of 20 yr old girls ) ... anything can happen to you over there and how will you call home?????


Think about your safety. Ask the girl to do something with you over here on your turf. If she's really wild.. I don't know just be careful.

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Right after 9/11 my movement professor went to TJ as a lark while he was in California to get a beer. He got a beer and it took him a full TWELVE HOURS to get back accross the border into the U.S. I would not do this at this time, especially if you are underage. I think it could be misconstrued as a runaway situation.


I don't think this is a winner for you.

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ok practicley everyone said not to go. and i agree...

but. i dont know. i really like this girl, and se hints that she likes me.

she knows i dont smoke. because i have bad lungs. but. if i eneded up going and NOT drink. would it be a better idea? please help me im "leaving" in a few hours...

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