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Anxiety is killing me

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Hey - I know I've kinda been posting a lot here in the past month - but I'm just kinda concerned about something.


I've been getting a lot of anxiety - to the point where it makes me sick to my stomach - over little things - like over dating a guy or calling a guy - stuff that I normally wouldn't worry so much about. Today I had a day off which normally I am grateful for except for the fact that I had to find a way to pass the time and there was nothing to do and I got this big anxiety attack and everything.


I'm feeling really lonely - which i think is contributing to the anxiety. I really wish I had someone to talk to. But I don't. No one at all. Well I DO have people - but like I already talked to them once this week like they want me to go calling them again about the same problems. I check my posts here everyday - not getting much response. I'm going out of my mind. The anxiety gets so bad that some days I just pray that someone would shooot me in the head. Ive resorted to suicide before, I'm afraid of going down that road again because last year this happened and it was really horrible and I was in the hospital twice and really sick and stuff. What if the anxiety gets so bad I do that again. All it could take right now is one little thing going wrong - as I am not prepared to deal with stresses right now.


I wish someone could help. I know that this sounds so dumb and stupid and all but I really do want some help. I even got anti-anxiety pills from the doctor and I've been to counselling and it is no help. I've tried a few different kinds of pills - they are really hard to take cuz they make me nautious and even then I still take them but they dont' really work.


I wish I could better describe what I'm going through - I'm always really jittery - I can't sit still for long - I can't do an activity for a long time, can't sit and watch TV, me at work is just crazy waiting for time to pass, feels like my heart is beating out of control, the phone rings and i jump out of my skin, i have no motivation to do anything, I don't want to socialize with people. I really wish I was dead.

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I have a friend that was going through the same thing as you. I don't really know how she got over it...I think she just realized that her relationship wasn't worth all of the effort she was putting into it when the other person wasn't giving anything back at all. She had gone to counseling and to the hospital also and she said that the medications worked some of the time.


I don't really know what to say or how to help since I've never gone through anything quite like that before. My anxiety attacks are usually less severe. I get them and I get sick to my stomach as well, but they don't last as long as it seems yours might.


I just wanted to say, hang in there and that I'm rooting for you. I've seen one person get through this and it seemed to correspond with her boosting her self-image by believing in herself more. I believe that you can do it too. Try to up your self-esteem and see your true worth and these things may not bother you so much anymore.


I will have her post here if I can...she may have valuable insight into your situation.


Just know that there is someone out there that understands some of what you are going through.


You can overcome this!

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Yu can pm me anytime you want to,


i suffer from anxiety to and my recent exgirlfriend suffered from it very bad, it was one of the reasons why she broke up with me so i know allt abut it,


in fact just last week i had an attack that made me shaking, in tears and feeling like i wanted to die.


sometimes i feel like i want to be dead too but i get ahld of myself and realize that there are people who care abut methat would be hurt if inleft and i'm still a god guy with allot to offer.


I just started taking zoloft, i hope it helps.


maybe yu need to go on a strnger pill, it may help.


hang in there,



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Blue Skittles,


First off, don't feel bad about posting here frequently. That what this site is here for, for people to post when they have problems.


That said, I know how you feel. I've always been a pretty anxious person myself, and lately i've been under alot of strees. Between family problems which came up over christmas, my regualr school course lo0ad, senior project (which is not going well on several levels), try to get my self a job for when I graduate in May, and the looming notion of a big change about to happen in my life with impending graduation, some days i feel like I'm gonna explode. for the last 2 weeks i've been very anxious, to the point of losing quite a bit of sleep, which just adds to the stress.


Like you, i've been feeling very alone lately as well. Though I do have a few friends to turn to, I feel like i get to bugging them after a while by constantly talking about all my stress. Lonliness is also something i've felt for quite a while.


Ok, sorry for taking over your post there with a rant of my own. Point is, you're not the only one going through a tough time, there are plenty of us out there. You'll get through this, just like i will. If you want to talk about it at all, feel free to pm or im me.


Best of luck,


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I went through a bout of Depression when my fiancee died 3 years ago. My GP prescribed a mild anti-depresant, and it saved my life, becouse the seratonin levels in my brain was non existent and the medication helped my body produce the correct levels again, which in turn, helped me to cope with life again. I only stayed on it for about 6 months, but it saved my life.


But the thing I want to tell you is, I never take medication without reading the package insert, word for word. I want to know what they are feeding me you see, and what the contra indications are.


To my big surprise I read in the package insert that these kinds of medication is also prescribed for anxiety, this too could have something to do with a chemical imbalance in your brain, making you physically sick, it is not just something in your head.


Do you know this, and do you think it might help to get a light form of medication to help you through this?

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  • 8 months later...

hey hun, for a long time I felt the same exact way. the only advice i can give is that you have to stop caring about what others think about you, which is a hard thing to do. you need to find some friends that share many of the same qualities as u do. damn i feel very alone myself sometimes

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I was going to post on the "emotions and feelings" area with almost exactly the same topic name, but then I saw your thread near the top. I'm going throught the same thing and thinking about suicide is the only thing that can calm me down. I go to counseling once a week, but it's anxiety reducing effects only last for a few hours before the hell is back in my head.

Zoloft didn't help me, just gave me headaches and made me nauseous. Sleeping is an escape to me because when asleep I don't have to think about my problems. Alcohol helps too for a moment, but if I drink then the anxiety gets multiplied the next day. Sorry to hear that you have the same problems, from now on I guess I'll obsessively check this thread too in case someone posts here some kind of a solution to the nightmare like anxiety.

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This may sound really cheesy, but I did the Midwest Attacking anxiety program by Lucinda bassett (link removed) and it helped SO much! It really was a life saver for my anxiety. I have relapsed on occasion and it would probably be good to do the program a second time over. But I seriously don't know what I would have done without it. Just a thought. I think you can even get a cheaper copy of the program on Ebay. I don't believe that strongly in medication, I know some people honestly need meds to get better and that's ok, but it's best to try and deal with the issue in hand for starters. I hope you're feeling better, anxiety sure does suck!

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