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I got a new girlfriend recently and everything is going alrite. There are only two things that absoulutly need improvement. A= Her mother allowing her to see me more often and B= her doing some things with me. On issue A. Her mother allows her to "do something" once a week which is fine by me but what is worse is her mother really has a bad relationship with her and will do things that hurt me to hurt her. She will ask her mom if she can go see me/do something with me on a certain day and the responses are in this cronological order as the day goes on Maybe i'll think about it, Well you have been doing nothing all day, No. It is very hurtful and misleading and i miss her so much and the worst part is i can't do anything about it. On issue B. My gf is having problems doing stuff (sexually) when i try to have my first real kiss with her she breaks into tears saying that she has flashbacks and she wont openly discuss it. This hurts alot but i try to understand. What could possibly stop her she has done stuff with other guys. I mean is it a load of crap or is this something that needs time. Please help i am very concerned. I also need some answers before we can move on in this relationship. Nothing should stop us it just is though. My theory is that she can't move on and doesn't trust me to the point where she tells me what is wrong in that matter. I do not feel very comfortable talking to her about it but i must do it in some way. Any thoughts on this are strongly encouraged and appreciated... thanks for the help and don't be afraid to PM me or im me at AccordRacer004

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It could be several things... She could have been sexually assaulted when she was younger, I wouldn't push her, respect her feelings and give her as much time as she needs.


As for the mother, maybe that is why she is so protective of her? I'm not sure, there will always be people that will say "you shouldn't be doing this." Just be persistent, always be respectful of her mothers decision's no matter how unfair they might be, don't give her more reason's to not allow you to see her daughter...


Hope this helps


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It sounds as though something traumatic has happened to your gf in the past, and her mother is being overly protective of her for that very reason. It would be a good idea to perhaps build up the trust you have with your gf and her mother as well. If your mother trusts you, your gf trusts you, and you trust em back, then you should be able to spend more time with your gf. Also, her trusting you will lead to her having someone to talk to about what has happened in the past.

As Svenman has said, respect her feelings and give her time. Try to gain the trust of her mother as well. That goes a long way. Trust me

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