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Which of these guys is better looking?


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Op I don't think it matters who is more attractive because honestly everyone's different tastes. One person might like beards or blonds or dark hair, square jawline or soft smiles, you never know. And even the same woman can find all kinds of guys attractive for various reasons. Plus it's not always based on looks but personality and how the person makes you feel.

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You need to let this go. Seriously, I've never ended things with someone because the other guy was better looking. You're trying to make sense of your break up...and you can't. It doesn't work like that. Love isn't based on who is more attractive...it's based on....how that person makes you feel.


Stop stalking her new bf...and her...stop trying to make sense of it. Work on becoming loveable and being loving. Find the things that make you happy and wear them like a blanket. Find peace in knowing that she's not your the one...and that one day, there will be someone even better than her.


Take care of yourself.

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One of them is me, one of them is the guy my ex replaced me with.


oh for gods sake why ...and why drag us lot into it hey !!!


fancy putting us all on the spot like that .... and why are you persecuting youself .. we all have different ideals ..we all fancy different people ..so now you are going to judge yourself on this .


some men will think I am attractive and some will think I am right old dog ... that's life . I know you hurt but I am so not happy at been part of this kind of thing .

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