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Well, the good news is she hasn't forgotten you. She might be having some issues with her current bf and needs some reassurance that there are other options - or, that she can still get positive male attention. I read a bit about your situation from other threads, but, I couldn't find enough to enable me to make even a guess about her intentions.


As for what you mean to her, avoid the sort of all or nothing thinking you seem to be doing. You don't mean nothing to her, nor, do you mean everything to her. You two were together long enough that she is never going to forget you, though. I think you know that. What you don't know is whether this is the first step in getting back together. It might be, but, it's probably not. Exes do this all the time, but only a small fraction of couoples get back together (although, as the thread entitled just that proves, it does happen)


It sounds from your other threads that maybe you're dating now? I think doing that is a very good idea and you should start if you haven't been. Don't look for anything serious, but it's important to remember that your ex is not the only great woman out there. There are TONS. This will help you take her off the pedestal you've put her on. That in turn will help you handle future texts in a more balanced way.


As for replying to texts, I'm actually in favor of it. You never know where that might lead. In the future, if it were me, I'd cut down on the exclamation marks. Letting her know that you're willing to talk is sufficient to get the ball rolling. The exclamation marks make you seem a little desperate. And, although you probably are, she doesn't need to know that. If she's just checking to see that you're still available for her needs, then it hurts your chances of extending the conversation.

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Brad browning is not about picking up girls. He teaches you how to "get your ex back". I'm not telling you that you need to go by his advice, but you should listen to what he says. He has videos on the no contact rule, what to text your ex, how to make your ex miss you etc... I'm a female. His videos are geared towards men and women. They are helpful.


Your ex is not the same person, she is no longer "interested" in you and doesn't not view you as the same. Therefore, you have to approach the situation differently!


Focus on your own life and moving forward. It's not easy..... My ex boyfriend broke up with me after 7 months of dating in December. I've never loved a man as much as I love him. I'm not certain at what I want. But I definitely want to move forward with new passion in life.

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