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Hey, well i'm knew sorta to the forum. I usually browse to find some of the answers to my problems, often can't find all of them. I already posted once, and typed about 3 paragraphs and it ended up not posting, so this one if going to be a little shorter.


To make a long story short, i have been bestfriends with this girl for over a year now. It started with me having an attraction for her bestfriend. About 3 months ago, i have started seeing her in a different perspective. I have always been attracted to her, and we flirt, but recently she has become something more meaningful than just a bestfriend.


About three days ago she called me crying saying she broke up with her b/f who had been treating her bad. I felt terrible, because she let him walk all over her but was glad that she had broken up with him. They had only been dating a month or two now. She was crying and i did my best comfort her. She said she appreciated me being there for her, and i assured her i would always be there for her.


Even though me and her are bestfriends, we are always telling eachother we love eachother, walking together in the hall, we sit together at lunch, and ect. We flirt alot and she always tell's me she is my "french maid"..lol. Well the next day after we got off the phone, i really wanted to tell her i love her but i know better then to do that. Not wanting to take things to quick, and now if ever she needed a friend, so i decided to write her a note.


In the note i wrote and told her how much i cared for her, and that i felt bad when she worried, and that i would always be there for her. Well, as soon as i got home she called and told me the note was the sweetest thing she ever heard and that she was glad that she had me, and i told her i was glad that i had her.


So her's the thing...I really like her, i think she is showing signs of liking me. I dont wanna take things to fast and i think i'm doing everything right so far. We're supposed to go to the movies next week so anyone know anything i can say or do to tell if she might like me as much as i like her??


Here's some other detail's-


* She had other bestfriends that are guys that call her sis. She told me that she could never date a bestfriend because it would be like dating her brother or something. That kinda let me down, but when i asked her if she was my sis, her reaction was "NO,No,No.." and she tells me she's my french maid..(long story)..

* I told her i was going to a party one weekend and might ak out this girl i told her about. She was completley objective. She didn't like the ideal of me dating this girl, and she didn't even know her and she still didn't like the idea. Then i told her i'd jsut stay home or go to the movies, and sure enough me nd her went to the movies..

* We go everywhere together more/less at school. We walk together in the halls, sit by eachother at lunch, i have 3 or my 4 classes with her..ect..

* Her family likes me, mom, dad, and brother..i've never really met them except her lil brother, and he's a cool lil kid.

* Not to brag, but i'm a decent looking guy..i think..I guess i could say i'm more well known at school, i guess because i play sports, guitar, ect..She is kinda shy, but my friends like her, though they dont really know her. I'm a hopeless romantic..the sweet guy..and thats the kinda guy she says is perfect or, and i think i know how to treat her right..



Any advice, idea's, feedback, or questions is appreciated. I hope to become a regular here on the forums..thanks again, and it's appreciated..also, any test i could do to see if she likes me is appreciated..cya..

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I am still uncertain of how she feel's..and i would rather be certain that she likes me, instead of risking our friendship. I know it seems as though she lieks me, but i don't wanna go for it and some up empty. I wanna ask her our in a way she'll never forget when i do. I'm a smoothe type guy, i try to be sweet and treat my girl the way she deserves..Usually if i liked a girl, i'd just go for it..no hesitation at all...but..this girl means more to me..if she says yes or no..there is alot at stake..

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"You think it'd be crazy if we went out?"

Well you say she wouldn't date best friends but it seems like she is hinting you that you are an exception, different from "being" her "brother"


But I think once you are bf/gf, things will be a little awkward but until then; I can't tell you much. No one can predict whats on her mind and what she thinks about you and/or other guys

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I think you right ab out her hinting, but i'm jsut goin to slowly ease into. If she reacts postive then i'll just keep goin farther and farther. The only thing that i've never told her is who i like so i think she knows..We always tell eachother that there is alot that we still dont know about eachother..We are bestfriends, but we are like 2 ppl who like/love eachother but keep it confidential..Wish me luck..i guess first what i'lldo is go to the movies with her..She has before layed her head on my shoulder while we whispered to eachother..i can only hope the same thing will happen again, because if she does then i think i know for sure she likes me...i'll tell you how it goes..see ya

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