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Just went through a bizaar seperation.

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Alright, so here it goes. I didn't talk to my ex for two days of no contact, last message askin her if everything was okay, because she was acting down all the time and sad, and that I was here for if she needs anything. She never replied, so i stopped contacting..


Two days later, a friend of hers says I need to leave her alone in her life, and that she wants nothing to do with me and stop stalking her. This is the best I've ever been through any breakup, and I was very pleasent to her, and gave her all the space she needed when she ignored me or stopped talking. Then, I get bombarded with her friends saying I'm a stalker, and to stop talking her ever again, that she wants nothing to do with me. To stop threatening her. That she's afraid of me. That if she pulls out of my life, will I not threaten her, or hurt her, etc..


Was the most moment craziest I ever had, since me and my ex barely talked much since the break, and she always contacts me first. Then they all deleted me on everything, and removed me. Now she sits like a queen, everyone thinking I am some evil obsessive person, when frankly this is the most spacious breakup I've ever had....


Because of this though, because of being bombarded like so. I did end up looking like a freak in the end, because then I actually did try to talk to her directly followed by giving her pissed off email telling her it was screwed up that she lied to everyone to push me away, when all I did was be nice to her for two weeks with literally no talking about getting back together.. Just being the chillest I could be... Although i wanted to be together again to see If I could work it out, I personally only told her that once 2 weeks ago when I apologized to her, never once mentioning it again........



So what the hell, has anyone ever been through such a thing. I'm still dumbstrucked today about the whole bizaar twist of events.. I've never portrayed myself as so chill in a breakup before... That I legitly do not understand how this came about.

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There are always 3 sides to a story ..


his side

her side

and the truth


and most of us know this ... so as hurt as it has made you to think all this has been said about you , just remember it will already be old news ..todays news is always tomorrows chip paper .


rise above it all ... don't say another word to anyone ..do not refresh anyones memory and keep it going just to get your point accross or it will drag on and on and you will indeed end up doing exactly what she has said ....


the quicker you can just let it all go and just think feck it ..the quicker your mind can focus on the important stuff .

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It sounds like the only option at this point is to move forward. Learn from this, work on yourself and don't look back.


Good luck.


Wish there was something to be learned. What can I learn from this? I got line back from the side from something I don't even understand. How does acting as nice as possible, trying to give as much space as well, and etc.. make me come out to be the total opposite?

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I'm just wondering why someone would go to extreme measures? Especially when they kept initiating the talks, and I've been no contact otherwise?


maybe it made her feel good to brag that you want her or that you wont leave her alone ..some people work on ego alone and if she is like this everyone will know anyway .


a little off topic because this experience was a female friend ..but last summer I made what I thought to be a really good friend ...I lent her in all a little under a £100 ..a bit here , a bit there .. I realised she really wasn't my cup of tea and I edged my way out of the friendship ..we eventually had a bit of a blow up one morning ..and that was my perfect chance to exit this friendship for good . I made one attempt to get my money and dear god ...what she said about me left me open mouthed ..people where contacting me sending me her mails , reading stuff about myself that never happened nearly put the devil in me honestly ..I will be honest , I might float around here puffing unicorns out my ass , but I wanted to swing her off a cliff by her nipples .


I felt like you ... itis like you want your own news slot on the tv just to get the truth out there and you sit and think how and why ...how can a person make up so much bs ...


who knows ..all I know ..we have to rise above it !

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It sounds like people that have no value to your future have eliminated themselves from your life. That is a good thing. If people believe rumors and innuendos, then they really didn't have respect for you to begin with, as they would know who you are and what you are and are not capable of. Don't worry about these people. Move on and be the better person and let those into your life that respect you... Good Luck!

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Understandable that you would write back angrily but she sounds like an attention seeker who wants to play the victim to her sycophantic friends. Don't feed her with attention. Block everything and say nothing to her or about her to anyone except for trusted friends and family. It's no loss to lose the people who decide to believe her.

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Understandable that you would write back angrily but she sounds like an attention seeker who wants to play the victim to her sycophantic friends. Don't feed her with attention. Block everything and say nothing to her or about her to anyone except for trusted friends and family. It's no loss to lose the people who decide to believe her.


Yeah I don't truly care about losing those friends, personally it just bothers me as they will press more on why She should never talk to me again, Despite it being lies..Although she's the one who wanted that, i suppose... Ironically the girl won't delete me off of skype, despite being "completely done." It is currently our only source of contact now. (she has blocked me though)


Feel surreal about the situation, as I've handled myself well for those 2 weeks, yet got painted as the exact opposite.

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