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Irritated with myself and her


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Finally, 6 months after my girlfriend basically disappeared on me, I did what I should of done a long time ago and officially ended things with her a little more than a month ago. However, I find her entering my thoughts and I develop a longing for her recently and it frustrates me beyond belief. I don't understand why I miss somebody who clearly did not feel the same way and abandoned me, for lack of a better term. I couldn't get her to meet me in person and was forced to send the dreadful breakup text, and the only response she could offer was "I know what I did, sorry." The entire 6 months was hell for me and that response cut extremely deep.


She has sent a few "I miss you's" and even though they are complete bull and it is cruel of her, I find myself WANTING to hear it. I don't know how to explain it. If anybody could help me understand and offer advice, I would really appreciate it.

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Why haven't you blocked????


You need to understand why you do not value yourself more. Why are you still seeking validation from someone who disappeared on you?


Have you done any counseling?


This is what frustrates me. I recognize that she treated me poorly and for that entire length of time, I knew that I needed to get myself out of the relationship but I could never do it. I clung to the thought that I loved her and that she loved me like she said she did and I held on for dear life until I could no longer bear the heart ache. It took a toll on me physically, as well. I lost 15 pounds and could no longer eat or sleep. I did not understand why she would do that to me and I still don't. She never answered me when I asked.


To answer your question, I have not had counseling before.

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It's completely understandable that you'd be happy to hear those "I miss you's" or anything along those lines, even if you know it's complete BS. You weren't ready to end the relationship, she was the one to abandon you and cut things off for whatever reason and you made the mature decision to end it. Feelings are still going to linger in a situation like that. It'd be best to not talk to her any more, delete her from your life, and work on trying to be happy again without her. I'm sorry she's affected you so badly. Wish you all the luck!

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