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I gave up and accept now the break up


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Hi guys,


You can read my previous thread here:




I had hopes, made many mistakes and now came to the conclusion that there's no way of us getting back together ever..


The last 3 1/2 months were like hell to me!

I cried almost every night and made any mistake you can ever make.


I went to see a therapist who told me you're totally fine, strong and so on, you'll gonna make it through. I didn't believe. I didn't believe to anyone.


I talked to so many people but kept doing the same mistakes. But now I know that I needed to do them in order to be here now.


I still love him from the bottom of my heart and maybe always will but I know he doesn't deserve it at all.


Yesterday was the last time I went to his place to talk. We talked about for almost 3 hours. Kept saying out faults back and forth but you know it's too late and nothing's gonna change.


I told him that I'm not going to hate him, it would be only wasteful energy. That I won't feel anything for him, neither love hate not anger or anything else. Nothing at all. That I'm gonna delete his number and I don't want to have nothing to do with him at all.


I won't wish him a new year and said he shouldn't do it as well. He said it's up to him that if he wants it he's gonna do it, I couldn't forbid it. I said I'm not forbidding you anything I'm asking you to respect that.


He wasn't expecting me doing and saying all that stuff. He thought I'd be there forever.


I said I don't want to lose any time more, that it's lost time and not worth anything.


He cried a lot and said he lost everything, his gf, his friends and so on. I told him that's what he chose and now has to live with the consequences. He said he never was brave enough to let me go for good but I told him that's exactly what I'm doing now.


I think he himself has issues with his own life and himself. Not everything happened between us, happened only because of us.


He almost made me think that everything was my fault. The last couple of weeks he used me but only because I let him.


I know I will be fine soon. Right now I feel totally lost but I know I won't feel ever that bad like I felt over 3 months ago when the real BU happened.


I know it's gonna be hard not only because we work together. I only have one week of vacation left where I won't see or hear him and after that I'm gonna face him every day.


But I know I will be strong! That's what I want to be! For the first time for months I feel like myself again! Strong enough to handle that on my own.


My advice to everyone out there, do what you feel is the right thing to do. If you feel contacting your ex then do it, do what your gut tells you to do. And if it doesn't turn out like you wanted it to be, then I'm sure you're gonna learn from that and next time you feel contacting them you will think twice.


There's no cure or right or wrong when it comes to love.


Wish me luck! I wish everyone what he wants from life!! If you wanna get back together with your ex, I hope that works out. For me it's over now. I'm ready to let go and close that chapter.


Good luck everyone! And stay strong! Sooner or later everyone gets what he deserves in life.. x



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Good luck.


I just recently had that "acceptance switch" turned on in my head, and it's just a very peaceful feeling. I'm very likely never going to see my ex ever again, unlike you, so that probably makes my situation a bit easier, but my thoughts and emotions are so much calmer and smoother and everything now, and hopefully yiurs will be too.

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Good luck.


I just recently had that "acceptance switch" turned on in my head, and it's just a very peaceful feeling. I'm very likely never going to see my ex ever again, unlike you, so that probably makes my situation a bit easier, but my thoughts and emotions are so much calmer and smoother and everything now, and hopefully yiurs will be too.


I agree with you, it kinda gives me a peaceful feeling. I still feel shocked though.

I'm still like wow it's really over forever.


Thanks I hope I'll get over it. I hope I can manage to work with him and ignore him. He always thought I'll get back eventually. But now I won't!


I wish you luck!



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I went through your stage before..and it took me total two yrs to do that...but i did it. I am so happy now and the life without him. People cant see the light when they a in the dark...but one day everyone will...keep moving on


You're totally right! It's hard to see the light in the dark. You feel totally stuck and it's hard to get out. But once you get out you just feel free.

I kinda feel free now and can't wait to see how my life will go on.


I wish you luck!



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