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I posted here before about my break up..we broke up on oct i cant remember the date...but i lived in the same apt until nov 14 it was well over a moponth after we broke up that i moved out...it was really bad living with someone and not being witht hat someone...im sure some of u can relate perhaps it has happened to u...


Anyways exactly a month after i left dec 14th...my ex paid me a visit at my job...the job he has stopped by before so many times to insult me...this time he first said he came by because i had mail at my old place (which he still lives in)...the mail is mostly junk i kno it because all important addresses i changed before i even moved...then he said he stopped by to get some chicken ( i work at wal-mart) mind u he has never had wal-mart chicken not even when we lived together..


then finally he admitted he was there to ask for my forgiveness...i forgave him..i am not bitter or angry and im pretty much over him...i dont kno if he thought this was going to open a door but is not!!! a couple of days later he sent me a txt message wishing me a merry x-mas..i didnt respond i didnt see the need when i saw him at my job i wished him a merry x-mas and a happy new year that was that....


Well since i didnt respond he took it upon himself to call me x-mas night to check if i received the text earlier that morning..i told him yes....then he kept trying to make convo...i stopped him and told him i had to take a shower....i immeditely changed my cell phone number....i know if i had left it on he prolly was going to contact me on new years eve and i didnt wanna hear it....well i guess he called because he ended up at my sisters house (out of all the people in the city he ends up at my sisters house on new years day) asking about me and where i lived of course my brother in law lied and told him a totally different thing...is he insane did he actually thin my sister or my brother in law were going to give im info???? what is up withthat?...y did he ask my forgiveness?...before we broke up he made it clear he didnt like me and didnt care for me any longer....y ask my address y call me to find out if i received his text message????

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come on now.....open your eyes....he feels like he made a mistake by letting you go...now he wants to be part of your life again.....maybe after he made his mind up that he didn't care about you anymore...he wanted to explore other options and when that didn't work out.....he came back to you......and did your sister invite him over on New Years or what?

u can play the game or be honest with him....your call

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Nah my sister hasnt spoke to him since before me and him broke up she actually doesnt like him very much nor does my brother in law, he was actually very courageous to show up there not knowing if he was gonna be gunned down...lol....but no they want no part of him....well actually i havent heard from him since new years day...so he might be afraid to make any moves...i think he realized i dont want him in my life...

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