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She was supposed to text me, but I haven't heard back.


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A few months ago, I got back into contact with a female friend from high school. We're both in university, but live in cities several hours apart. So, since August, we've been texting and Skyping; just chatting about whatever and playing video games over the internet and whatnot.

Since I was coming home (to her city) for the holiday break, we were excited to meet up and hang out in person. The only problem was that she'd be leaving to visit her family in a different town 4 days after I came.


So, finally I got back home, and as planned, I came right over to her place, and we spent the evening having fun. It got late pretty quickly, so I ended up staying over at her place.

The next day, we spent the entire day together; talking, watching TV, playing games, eating, etc.

Around 7pm, we were both pretty tired, so I decided to go back to my house for the night. She said she had fun and since we still had 2 more days, we could do more tomorrow when we're less tired.

Since she said she had to get some things done tomorrow (today), I asked her to text me once she was done, and she said she would.


Anyway, it's almost 9pm today, and I haven't heard anything from her, and tomorrow is her last day in town.

So I'm not sure if she forgot or just doesn't want to meet up, and so I'm wondering whether I should text her, and if so, what to say.

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Well, if you really want to see her, just text her and say, "Hey _____, hope you had a great day. Are you up for some plans with me tomorrow?" The ball will then be in her court. If she responds, great! If not, then maybe you have your answer. If she does respond, though, yet you continue to find yourself initiating most of the contact, you may have to bring this up with her, in time. After all, both people want to feel wanted. It shouldn't be one-sided.

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Thanks for the response milly007!


Firstly, in response to who's initiating contact; the entire four months that we Skyped/texted, she'd always contact me first, almost every day.


Anyway, the problem is, she knew she knew the plan was for her to let me know when she was done with her work, and I know she wasn't overburdened because I saw she was online for a fair while throughout yesterday and today.

After creating this thread, I decided I'd just send her a short text asking what's going on. Even now, a day later, I haven't heard anything, but she's definitely been on her phone and online several times.


I thought everything went well, with her saying in a genuine-sounding way that she had fun and we still had 2 days to hang out.

So, at this point, I'm just trying to imagine why she cut off contact out of the blue like this.

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Hmmm, well, I think it comes down to the fact that, if she wanted to contact you, she would. I can relate to this, OP, for what it's worth. Our experiences may be different, but I was recently on the receiving end of a disappearing act, with no reason or explanation. So, I'm learning to let it go. Plus, you've made it easier for her to contact you because you initiated the contact. If she doesn't touch base with you, let it go and don't bother contacting her anymore. If she eventually surfaces and begins contacting you again, it's then up to you as to whether or not you want to respond, obviously. But, I'd have a hard time looking past the delayed response, if I were in your shoes.

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