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do girls like big muscles?

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What your asking is a matter of personal preference...some girls likes big muscles, some don't.


Instead of worrying what girls like, worry about what YOU like. YOU need to be happy with your body. Then, anyone who cares for you will be happy with it, as well.


(A girl should be dating *you*, NOT *your muscles*.)

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Mmm mmm mmm yes i love Muscles but sometimes i could look past the looks if the personality is outgoing enough..I dont knnow it all depends but yes If i was just walkin somewhere a guy with nice arms would deff get my attention.! Makes me feel protected and i love when they have a little deffinition ya know? But i have fell for guys without as much muscle as ide perfer but the sweetness caught me so yeah thats my opiniion on that!

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Be happy with what you got. Girls should be liking you for you, not for your muscles. If someone truly cares for you, it won't even be a consideration. If you want to execise and work on your body, do so because you want to and it makes you feel good about yourself. It shouldn't matter what girls or anyone else thinks.

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this is exactly like asking if men like big breasts....


of course the answer is some do, some don't, most don't care


With the girl im in love with it was honestly never even a consideration. At this point she could be / become ugly as sin and it wouldn't make me feel any differently about her. It's exactly the same way with women and muscles ....


Whats important is feeling good about your body image, if you like being ripped, cut, defined muscle mass whatever then do what you to need to feel comfortable.

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It definitely wouldn't hurt to work out anyway. It feels good every time I finish. I've been doing the routine since September and I'm already feeling more confident about how I look.


But ShySoul is also right. Don't just workout to get girls. A big part of the deal is gaining confidence in yourself. Nice biceps/abs will help, but it's not the whole deal.

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Nothing turns more heads than a guy walking on the beach, tanned and muscular....From a girls point of view of course......However......a romantic and caring man will win the girl in the long run almost every time.


Now a ripped guy who is also romantic and caring...well.....he can write his own Ticket!



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Im not a huge muscle fan. I like a man with with toned arms, but a soft belly. It's just more cuddly to me. I like the teddy bear type, but not fat.


But as others have said, it's really the womans personal preference. Women generally will look at the face first. A handsome face...... and we're willing to overlook a lot.

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i like to go to this beach with alot of rocks by the water and i like to jump around them and climb up them, its fun. and you look cool pouncing around like an anime character lol

If you like that then you should check out link removed, i take part in it occasionaly and really enjoy it!


Anyway, back to the topic, i work out because i enjoy it and because it will probably be useful in my future to be in tip-top physical condition, not to get girls or become more attractive.

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No. Unless its around the week before my period, then yes. Haha. Confused yet?


Actually, when I think of "muscles", i think of bodybuilders.. which are *really* bad and if you're doing it to get girls I suggest you never try to get a body like one of them, heh. x_x

Huge, bulging muscles are a bit intimidating, but toned is great.

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Im not a huge muscle fan. I like a man with with toned arms, but a soft belly. It's just more cuddly to me. I like the teddy bear type, but not fat.


But as others have said, it's really the womans personal preference. Women generally will look at the face first. A handsome face...... and we're willing to overlook a lot.

r u hot? lol jk

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