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i need help(from guys n girls)

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ya, ive never kissed before and a ques for the guys/girls:


1)how do i know if she is ready to be kissed?(i need signs)


2)i need step by step instructions on wat to do...from if she is ready to be kissed to wat to do exactly.


please dont tell me "it will come naturally" b/c it wont and i dont wanna make a fool of myself. thnx!

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i know you don't want to hear that it "comes naturally"... but in all honesty..... it pretty much does. the hardest part is starting, i guess. once you begin then it's pretty much cake after that. so how do you start?


when i want a guy to kiss me, i will sit very close to him. usually if we are talking side by side i will move my head close to his. i will also keep my attention focused on him, and won't look away from him while we are talking. if the girl is talking to you from accross the room then it is not a good sign. to find out if the girl wants to kiss you, try lightly putting a hand on her shoulder. move close to her. if she doesn't move away, or seem uncomfortable, than just go for it. don't do it out of the blue though, try to make subtle hints that you want to kiss her (by moving close to her you pretty much give her that idea.)


then, just go for it.

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By previous gf was very forward when it came to her feelings.

1.) So for me it was easy to tell she basically told me too. But another trick that I have heard of but never tried is when you are close i.e. after hugging or cuddling on the couch run your hand through her hair. If she doesnt back away give a decent compliment then go 90% and let her come 10% of the way.


2.) As far as kissing goes I know you hate to hear this but it comes naturally. Seriously I had my first kiss about 4 weeks ago. I was so worried but it came so natural I was shocked. The only tip I can give is perposully set yourself up on either the right side or left side ever so slightly. This way you know which what she will lean her head. If you set up on the left you will tilt your head left and so will she. Don't worry its 100% natural.


Oh yeah dont use tongue your first kiss. Part your mouth just a little bit and basically let her bottom or top lip go in between yours.

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Listen to caramellabacix, everything she said is right on.


I know you are afraid of messing it up, but the one sure fire way to mess up is to be too worried and to try to plan everything out. You'll be so focused on doing everything right that you will miss out on the moment itself. When it comes to kissing, don't think just act. Enjoy the moment and go with it. It does come naturally.

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Listen to caramellabacix, everything she said is right on.


I know you are afraid of messing it up, but the one sure fire way to mess up is to be too worried and to try to plan everything out. You'll be so focused on doing everything right that you will miss out on the moment itself. When it comes to kissing, don't think just act. Enjoy the moment and go with it. It does come naturally.

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yeah man dont worry bout if your are gonna screw up cuz then u r...trust me i know and its not an easy thing to play off....i had a friend that messed up and told his gf its cuz she was a bad kisser and she aint kiss him for 2 weeks..lol.....But yeah man it does come naturaly like breathin, your body automatically knows what to do...like if someone right now handed you a toaster u wouldnt go well what does this do, u would know hey this makes toast... and one tip is dont rush it dont go fast and wit tongue, i would say add a lil tongue in there but not like down their throat just enough cuz when u get done kissin if u aint put no tongue in it your gonna wish u had.... later

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