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How to avoid jealousy.


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I'm very jealous person...

That's why maybe the only relationship I've had in real didn't work out. It's just that I can't stop being like that. When my ex told me about the girl he dated previous to me I couldn't help but feel jealousy.

Is there a way to not feel like that? Is there a way to at least act nonchalantly when you see the person you like/date talking to his/her ex?

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Build up your own accomplishments to handle any insecurities or self-esteem issues. Have a life outside of whoever you date, so you don't have a fear that if you lose the guy you're losing everything. And time, time seemed to help me as well, but the accomplishments served a huge boost in helping. It's hard to be jealous of someone else when you're proud of something you've done.

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