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does anyone know some GREAT comfortable contact lenses i can wear without looking like an x-men character i.e not fake? i never actually wore contacts but i would like to give them a try. i've seen people wear some that looked really weird on them though , and i don't want to waste my money on crappy lenses. i want them to look atleast a bit real and not so anyone can notice so much. It woud be cool if someone can recommend me truly the best ones out there.

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What are you asking for, colored contacts?

Because regular contacts never look fake since they're see-through.

But if you really do mean just regular contacts then Prosite 38 and UltraFlex7/14 are very comfortable. For colored ones, I have only had Acuvue, and they were relatively comfortable. But realize that colored contacts will never look real up close, and are also uncomfortable most of the time.

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