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It all gets better in time

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I never thought I would get over her but I did! And better yet I'm doing better with out her and I never thought I would say that. About this time last year was when things started going downhill for me. I was running out of money and trying to get a job. By December I was pretty much broke and I couldn't afford to buy her Christmas gifts. I finally had a job by that time but we were struggling to get by. January was her birthday and I still couldn't afford to buy her anything. I was ashamed and embarrassed and I was taking out my frustrations on her. In February she left me. To keep the story short I had a very unfortunate situation with what I thought was going to be a new job and since I left my other job I ended up nearly losing everything. For a couple of months I was always a month behind on rent, the heat was shut off for 3 months, and I was surviving on peanut butter sandwiches and mac and cheese. Add in dealing with heart break and I was at rock bottom. After getting my old job back plus another job and being back in the reserves (that's were the job crisis started) I was able to slowly able to get my bills paid off and get out of debt. I started going back to church which has been helpful in my healing and personal discovery. Earlier this month I was hired for a much better full time job. I'm going to be buying a new car some time this week and things are progressing with a girl I met online. I'm also contemplating how I will go back to school so I can make money from my GI bill. I've been able to make friends at both of my jobs which has really helped me feel better.


So this "journey" has resulted an improved personal and professional life. I've learned some valuable life and relationship lessons. No matter how bad thing are they can get better if you put in the effort to make things better. I've changed my life for the better. I wasn't doing it for her, it was for me. A lot of people say if you work on yourself they will notice and come back. Well she hasn't come back and I don't think she ever will. I'm doing so much better now and things are only going to get better from here. I still care about her and think about her from time to time but it's doesn't dominate my thoughts and I can easily focus on other things. It may takes months of hard work but if you keep trying you will make out of your slump. Pick one or two major things you really want to change and work on it whether it's getting in to shape, finding a better job, getting promoted, or getting a degree. Give yourself a realistic goal and work for it. When you do reach your goal you will realize just how good you feel and that heart break (and financial hardship in my case) won't keep you down. When you do reach that point you will realize you don't need your ex and you can be happy without them. If they come back, great, if not that's fine too. In either case you will be a new you and you will be ready to take on the world. If you're feeling down I hope this helps. I promise it will get better but you can't sit around and wait for it and at the same time don't expect it to get better the next day, week, or even month. It all comes in due time.

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