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I want a deep commited relationship

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Lately i've been thinking a lot about being in a relationship with a guy. I'm gonna be 15 in a few months now, and i know i'm really young but i just want that connection with someone. I guess what i'm trying to say is i basically want to know what it feels like to be in love with someone. I imagine it to one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. Most people my age just want a quick fling, make out session or simply sex and so i feel sort of weird because i want so much more that that. I just wanted to know, though it may not be common, are my feelings still normal. I meen i know there isnt much chance of me having a relationship like that at my age because a lot ( not all ) guys around my age are pretty immature, and i dont just wanna date an older guy, b/c they may think they can take advantage of me.


i guess what im trying to ask is, is this feeling normal and if it is is there much chance i'll find a guy around my age who wants this kind of relationship.

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Your feelings are completely normal.U are just a lot more mature then all the kids around you and that is a good thing.U want a deep loving relationship.I too am the same as you as i am more mature then all the kids around.Dont worry you will find it one day u just have to be patient.IVe been trying to be patient for a lil bit lol so good things will prolly come for u.

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country princess, I think your priorities are very wrong. At your age forget about committed relationships; are you kidding? Concentrate in studying, building your future, sports, and friendships. Got to the mall, watch movies, read read read, hang out wiht your friends.


Does your mother know about this? I would be VERY worried if you were my daughter.

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No offense Lucianna, but i disagree. Shes just looking for a person to love who loves her back. Isnt that what everybody looks for.


i suggest that u look into the quiet guys that seem kinda shy around you. Trust me, even if they are kind of boring and shy at first, when they loosen up, they can be some of the best companions you will ever have. Plus they are usually more mature.

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Thanks for the advice everyone.

To be honest i do think you were a little harsh Luciana, just because i don't want to be making out with every other guy, and sleeping around doesn't meen there's something wrong with me. Maybe i'm a little more mature than you where at my age but that doesn't meen you have to put me down and tell me my priorities aren't straight. I'm acutally a straight A student and know exactly where my priorities lie, so the next time you want to judge me in that way think about what your going to say.

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Everyone has longings to feel that love you are talking about. I imagine that true love is the greatest feeling there is. There is nothing wrong with having these feelings. In fact, to have such a great view on love and relationships, to have clear priorities, and to get such excellent grades.... you are an incredibly mature and intelligent girl for your age. It takes most people years to have that kind of view on life. Honestly, that kind of relationship will be hard at your age. Bull's right, shy/quiet guys are your best bet. They tend to be nicer and looking for more commitment and a real romance. But if you don't find that romance soon, don't worry about it. You have plenty of time to find it and eventually you'll end up with someone wonderful who really truly care about you. It just might take awhile for the boys to grow up and realize what a catch you are. 8)

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