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what should i do with this?


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Okay, well two years ago I went on a month vacation with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. My cousin brought his best friend Rob. During that month, Rob and I got really close, and we ended up liking eachother. I didn't think he liked me, and I found out after the time we spent together was over. My cousin told me that all he would talk about was me, and i'd only want to talk about him. Well, anyway, It's been two years since i've seen him, and I still think about him. Sometimes I get soo upset because I miss him. My cousin and I are like best friends, but I wouldn't feel right telling him i've been thinking about his best friend latly. I'd feel awkward telling him, since we haven't seen eachother in two years, or even spoken to eachother. Now, if it was only a month or so, i'd feel fine. So I was wondering, how could I be able to get to talk to this kid? I mean, I'd love to talk to him, and hang out with him again, but I really feel soo weird asking my cousin for his screen name or number. I know this is corney, but I mean, what should I do? Should I do something about it, or just kinda brush it off and try not to think about it? All of my family is even still suggesthing that me, him, and Rob get together sometime to hang out. My aunt and uncle are, my parents are. Even my grandparents are. It's very weird, actually. But I don't know if it's working or whatnot. I'm just not sure what to do.

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yeah, i'll try to talk to my cousin. I'm still gonna feel werid. My cousin knows I like him though. Well, at least he knew that I liked him back then, I don't know if he still knows that I like him now. I guess i'll try and talk to him sometime soon, to get his screen name or something like that. Thanks! =]

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