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In love with being in love


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A thought hit me this week, while sick and at times of questionable mental state, I think I am more interested in the thought of being in love than going through the actual roller-coaster of human experiences. Now I am still ill so this maybe just a fools errand; but how often do we convince ourselves that we are or should be in love, when we are just wanting to experience the fulfillment we imagine from a deep relationship? Now maybe it's my coming to a false epiphany here, but i wonder how often I project the desire upon the circumstance, rather than properly interpret the situation.


Quite a few of you have read my past quandaries about the nature of love in my life, and I'll be honest you all probably have better insight into me than I do; as I willingly blind myself to the problems I create. But I do earnestly ask this question on a general scale and using my shortcomings as fodder. Overall I hope this serves as a productive discussion about how we can be so taken with a concept that we project it falsely on our broader world view.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i know i have 'fallen in love' and found out later that it was based on a deeper loneliness or need. these relationships were often very intense, and i felt i fell in love in an instant. but these relationships ended. in hindsight i see that these men came along at a time when we were both vulnerable. sometimes it was my sheer enthusiasm and commitment that brought the guys to love me. and i am thankful that i had their help. but if i had dealt with my loneliness and need differently, who knows?

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