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How Fat is Too Fat for A Guy?

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Recently I have become quite concerned about my weight. I am now at 198 pounds...is this too fat for a guy? What is the average male weight (i am 6ft)....but even though I am worried about my weight, i sort of like being slightly overweight because when I was in high school people teased me for being too skinny...so now I am slightly overweight? it makes me feel more secure...i don't know..but is 198 pounds too fat for a guy?

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Well unless it is muscle, your weight/height put your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 26.9 which is in the beginning of the overweight category (25-29.9).


Now the BMI does have a couple limitations: it may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build and say they are overweight when they are not or it may underestimate body fat in older persons and others who have lost muscle mass, so take that into consideration.


Your BMI however if you are not muscular is putting you in a higher-risk category not just in terms of how you look but also your health. I would advise incorporating physical activity into your daily routine (cardio/weights) not for appearance but for your own health and also taking care of what you eat.

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Well i'm about 200 and I can't stand the way I look. Its not that I hate myself, its just that I don't have much motivation to change it for some reason. I have muscle but it just like to hide under that fat. My thighs and calfs as huge, but they are hard as rock. I have a apple shapped body. Well to answer your question, for a guy I'd say 200 is fat, unless you are ripped. 180lbs with abd being "fat" will look 5000x more attractive. BTW, I am about 6ft too. drahcir, join the club, or we can do something about it. Thats the only two options.

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A lot of it is build, though... I am about 5'10" or near it, and right now I fluctuate between 198-204, depending on when I weigh. When I was going through all my crap this summer, I was down to about 175 or so - way too skinny. Oh, BTW, before all the crap I was at 230.


Honestly, a lot of it is how you feel about yourself. My uncle is 350+ easy, ,and he is huge. Not healthy, no, but happy as a kid. He exudes his light humor and charm all over the place. I figure if he can do it, I can too...


I'm not muscular or anything, but I can either like the way I look or change it. There is no sense in crying about it... If you come off like you like yourself, then women will find that attractive (just don't be stuck-up).

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It really depends how you look. If you claim you don't work out and eat right--then it's probably a flabby 200 lbs, and in which case it sounds like you are. Sorry didn't mean to sound like a b*tch, just trying to be honest. And yes, i personally think 200 is too much for 6ft, my gym rat guy friends are about 180 max and they are 5' 11" to 6ft.

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You're asking a question that we really can't answer. While we can tell you that *medically* you are a bit overweight, we cannot tell you what a woman would prefer. Every woman is different...some like skinny, some like muscular, some like overweight...it's just an individual thing.


The bigger issue here is what *you* prefer. If you're comfortable with your body, then what other people think makes no difference. If you *aren't* comfortable with your body, what other people think *still* makes no difference. If you like it, fine. If not, eat right and exercise to lose the weight in a healthy manner.

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