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penis size...

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Well width could always be a good thing but two things that could help

the top twothirds of the vagina have no feeling thats why when a chick uses tampons she ussually feels nothing (I know too much info but think about it!) and most females dont orgasm from intercourse so as long as you have some practice at how to talk to a girl and pleasure a girl size really will not matter it doesnt to me!

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Well, I'm just curious. I just turned 15 as well, and I'm about 6 inches. I've been starting to get facial hair, but I still havn't started growing side-burns. I've had pubic hair for a few years now, but I feel it's in a final stage of development. But here's the strange part, I still don't have hair under my arms, and I was wondering, by the time that grows in and such, that my penis might grow more. So it's just a curiosity thing!

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  • 2 weeks later...
my penis is uncircumsized and only4 inches big when hard...will it get bigger or will it stay the same?



out of any thing at all, penis size is the thing that troubles me most, i mean i dunno if mines big/small etc as i dont look @ other men. but feel comfortable with your size, you cant change who you are. i mean. like others said, your 15, still time to "grow" as others put it.

i feel that im small when im not errect but allright when i am.

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Dude, most chicks that think size is so important arent the type you want to be dating. Weather your big or small that's not what a relationship is about.


So if your small and you want to be a player and hit all dem a**'s then you better be comftorable with yourself and be prepared to be made fun of. But if you're small and you want a real relationship work on your listening skills and fore play.


Personally I believe the best thing a guy can have is listening skills. Women love men who can listen and pay attention to them and make them feel good. If a real women had that kind of man I bet she wouldnt even care if he was 2 inches. And if you have that with a women it isnt really sex anymore it's making love.


Hope that helps some

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Ho ho, been away for like a solid month come back and see a penis size thread and once again everyone (amazingly not the poster though this time) is above the average. Where do these smaller people live?


Perhaps in these last few years schools feed kids penis growth powder . Kid yourselves

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I'm not gonna be an a**hole and gloat in the glory of my penis size (which is admittedly (exactly) average), but trust me: It doesn't matter! What Blayzed4Life is one of the most true things I've ever read on this site.

(If) you want a real relationship, work on your listening skills and fore play.
Seriously. The hottest girls in this world are all about this sh*t. It's like cocaine. It's in their brain. And guess what? It's frickin' great. I say these girls are frickin' on to something here. This listening sh*t and this other thing they call fore play? Guess what? It's Fricken' awesome! I've never had a more intense experience than the sex I had with a woman I was completely in love with and I knew was completely in love with me and the fore play was every bit as good as the sex...and the sex was the best I've had in years. Ok, maybe the foreplay wasn't as good as the sex. But, you get the point? This fore play crap and then actually listening and getting to know the person stuff? It's like sex to the nth power!(Could I be nerdier?)

I'll stop with the sarcasm.


FORGET ABOUT IT DUDE! GIRLS ARE PEOPLE TOO! They're not idiots! They know what pleases them! It doesn't make any difference what your d*ck is like for the ones that matter! Look. I don't have a pic and I'm sure it's against enotalone policy, so I'll just tell you: My d*ck is 6 inches exactly. That's average on anyone's chart. Average is technicaly 5.8 inches on most charts I've read about. So WHOOOPIE!!! I'm above average. GREAT. You know what that's done for me? N-O-T-H-I-N-G is what it's done for me. My penis could have been the most perfect sex object in this world and it would not have saved me from the mistakes I've made in relationships through my inability to listen and make fore play!


There can't be anything truer in this world. Listen and fore play! Learn to do that and you'll barely need a penis at all. Although, if you're seriously very small? Use a prosthetic of some kind just for her sake. I mean - you love her, right? I mean - if not, you at least want to please her, right? So give her what she needs. Don't take your own insecurities out on her. Just enjoy the act of making love.

I'd trade my 6 for a 4 anyday if it meant I could have that with a girl again. I could do every bit as good with a 4 as I could with my 6.


Sorry. I'm a little drunk and stoned at the moment. And I've just spent the evening with my ex who I broke up with 5 months ago and who has been balling a total loser for the past 4.5 months. I just spent the last 6 years with this women and now I feel like I have no idea who she is, and yet she's the person I know best in the whole world. And I'm scared. I tell myself I'm not afraid. But if I don't know who she is, then I don't know who anybody is. And if I don't know who anybody is, then who am I in relation to anybody? Who am I? The only thing I know about me is that I'm alone.


Good night everyone.


It's pretty funny that this ended up on the orgasm thread. But I think that's appropriate given my night.

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