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Accepting The Things We Cannot Change

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**Serenity Prayer**


"God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference".


Some of you may know where this comes from but really doesn't matter. If we can say this to ourselves several times a day it will hit you like a ton of bricks as it did for me.


Accepting the things we cannot change (We the breakee should know and feel this is true) we cannot change their decision.

Courage to change the things we can (We can change ourselves in the way we think about the breakup) we don't have to choose to stay this way.

The wisdom to know the difference. We CAN'T change them, but we CAN US! and that is the wisdom.


I hope this helps at least one person suffering. Because if you are suffering at this time. It only means you are trying to change them..(You just can't)



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I found a sign that says this and it's above one of my doors in my hall way.


I still find myself at times when I am struggling with something, typically wondering about the `outcome' and crystal ball type stuff where I wish I knew the answer. I put both of my fists in front of me with my arms outstretched and I open my hands in a symbolic sort of way that sends a message to my little brain that "I am letting go of the outcome"


Afterall I recognize most things are "out of my hands" anyway :star:

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I found a sign that says this and it's above one of my doors in my hall way.


I still find myself at times when I am struggling with something, typically wondering about the `outcome' and crystal ball type stuff where I wish I knew the answer. I put both of my fists in front of me with my arms outstretched and I open my hands in a symbolic sort of way that sends a message to my little brain that "I am letting go of the outcome"


Afterall I recognize most things are "out of my hands" anyway


I LIKE THAT THANK YOU! acceptance first letting go second . feeling free is the result.

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