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Depressed friend

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Hey everyone, i have a friend who is very depressed. She has changed so much scince she became dpressed. I was wondering if someone could give me some adivce. To tell you the truth it is getting really anoying because a year ago she was always happy, and all of a sudden she is depressed. Do u think she is doing it for attention???


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Hey, there. I have quite a bit of experience in this field, I was diagnosed with depression when I was around 11 and I know the effect it can have on friendships. Your friend really needs you during this time - I had a best friend who was one of the only reasons I got through my depression, he was always there for me and that made so much of a difference. She may always want to talk about how horrible it is, and I know that can get aggravating, but it hurts like hell. And yes, she wants attention - but that can be part of it.


During my depression I wanted everyone to notice me, I didn't care what kind of attention it was, attention was good.


I know it can get annoying. But she needs you. It may appear to have come on quickly, but really it's probably just been repressed.


Don't give up on your friend. Talk to her.

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I agree! Talk to her, but also see if you can get her to do things with you and your friends... Go to the movies, hang out, whatever. Yes, it can be annoying, but please don't let her know she is doing that to you. Suck it up and be the friend she needs. If she keeps talking about the same thing(s) over and over, try to change the subject to something she LIKES... If she's online, you may want her to check out eNotAlone... You might even do that together...

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