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unsure about this girl

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3 nights ago i met this great girl at a party and we hit it off, she had to leave kind of early because she worked early the next morning, so i walked her to her car and we chatted for awhile and i got her cell phone number easily, so i called her last night after 3 days and she was hanging out with a few friends from work and they were drinking so i didn't really get to talk to her all that much, all though she did seem happy to see i actually did call her, after about 10 minutes of her one friend talking to me about chastity belts, the girl i called asked me to call back in a half hour so we could talk and not be distracted, so i called back in about an hour figuring to make sure she was home by then so we could talk and i got her answering machine, i left her a message with my number saying if you want to talk about this weekend give me a call, i am just wondering if you think that her not answering means she isn't interested or what do u think it means, i know she has caller id on this phone, i saw it at that party, i really don't want to call her again without her calling me, i want to know she is interested enough for my time, just let me know what you guys think



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  • 3 weeks later...



She may not have called you back for any number of reasons. She may have gotten home fallen asleep and woke up severely hung over (women get worse hang overs then guys)...or something happened to one of her friends. Just be patient...if she doesn't call back in a few days...definitely call her back. I'm sure there is a reason!


Take care! and good luck!

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