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worried please help


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a week ago had unprotected sex twice in one night with my boyf, we had been drinking and this isnt our first time. anyway i went and got the morning after pill(after 30hours) but will it work?the nurse who gave it to me said it isnt always effective what if it isnt?i know i should wait until i come on/ pregnancy test to find out if im pregnant but what signs and after how long do you know if you are pregnant can you tell after a week?

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From what I know you can't tell within a week. There are Pregnancy tests that can tell 5 days before your period if I am not mistaken. I am a guy so I probably should've have responded. The morning after pill is effective good percentage of the time, it just depends when you took it. I think it is up to 48 hours. I am not sure. Good luck

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There are Pregnancy tests that can tell 5 days before your period if I am not mistaken


I don't know of any pregnancy test that is reliable before a missed period. Even the ones that claim to be reliable the day after a missed period seem to miss a lot. I think the earliest you can be sure on those tests is about a week after a missed period. Otherwise in some women the hormone level is just too low for those tests to detect.


The morning after pill is effective, but its not a guarantee. You can still get pregnant. You said this isn't the first time that you've had unprotected sex with your boyfriend. So you should really plan ahead and have some condoms available and consider going on regular birth control. The morning after pill is meant for emergencies, not for regular contraception.

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You should already know that there is no method of contraception that is "guaranteed" to work. In future you should make it both of your responsibilities to plan things and make sure you always have condoms and other methods of contraception available.


I agree with what avman has said about when to take the pregnancy test. Just do a search in Google if you are unsure - most websites reccomend waiting a week after a missed period.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, tanned is right, and I am sure if they would think it was not effective, they would have said so at the clinic. There is no 100% protection against either STI or pregnancy.


You could consider taking the pill and using condoms, so next time you forget the condom the risk is really really small.


I have been 3 years on the pill and had a relationship. We were each other's firsts, so we didn't use condoms. I had to take a morning after twice when I forgot the pill.


Don't worry, if you miss your period, take a test.



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Nicely said Ilse!


The morning after pill is most effective when taken within 72 hours, and since you took it within 30 hours, I think you'd be fine.


How did the pill make you feel? Did you have a tummy ache, and just not feel like yourself for a few days afterwards? Thats a sign that its working/worked!

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