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girl friend unknown feelings?


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Me and my GF have been going out for 3 years. Now we are in college almost 2nd year and she got a job and has been distancing ive tried to talk to her see her even give her rides to work or school. She denies them or says shes too tired to see me and i accepted that as busy life. Now i know shes hangsout after school instead of making time for me to hangout with her guy friends. Which she sees all day. She then admitted that one of the guy friends likes her and i asked her what does she think if him she said she thinks his cute thats all and she still loves me. We started to see each other here and there but she still doesnt make enough time for me, i get maybe an hour on a good day but she sees them morning afternoon and after school. She priorities her friends over me and the guy is there I've told her how it hurts me to know she still hangsout with him and now im depressed from now seeing her and i miss her so much i think of her all day and night. She still does hangout with him idk what to do. I dont want to lose her but we barley see each other and im always talking she only replies i love you too when face to face. On top of that she doesnt want to kiss or be cuddly around him. I trust her and I've talked to him his not distancing, and i was nice not angry or pushy made it like a request and he said he understands. What do i do?

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