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About six months ago, I met perhaps the most amazing girl ever. I've never met anyone whose personality matches mine, who complements me as well, who understands my thoughts without having me explain myself multiple times, and who cares and loves about me as much as she does. And this is coming from someone who had previously been in a four-year relationship and was at one time engaged.


Things have been going swimmingly, until today. We were talking about our plans for the future, and it turns out that she is looking to move accross the country in about a year or so. For some reason, alarm bells are going off in my head. I can't imagine being without her, but at the same time I know that I can't impede her from reaching her goals. I'm not sure if I'd move out there with her, and I know that long distance doesn't really work for either of us.


Do I just ride it out and let things end when she moves? Or should I consider moving into a strange city, leaving my career and friends behind, all because I can't imagine my life without her?

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Towny, I think you may have touched on something that is making me hesitate in making such a move. I do have some questions whether she thinks I'm the one for her. Maybe it's managing expectations, but it almost seems like she's almost waiting for things to fall apart. I don't get the distinct feeling that she really believes, wholeheartedly, that things will work out in the end.

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