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Update - Preg Test Came Back Positive...

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I posted a few days ago about my question on precum. Had my gf take a preg test last night and it came back positive. I somehoe have a feeling i didnt get her preggers this last time but before. She's supose tp go to the doctor soon but i guess i should assume this is it huh! Is there a chance it could be wrong?



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Pregnancy tests are really wrong. Well, all you can do is congratulate yourself on becoming a father, and make the most of it. I once knew a girl who got pregnant when she was 18. It was difficult, but she and her boyfriend (now her husband) took responsiblility and turned a difficult situation into a positive one. There are A LOT of options out there...take some time to explore them all, and make the best choice for you, for your girl, and for your unborn child.

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Like the others said, they could be inaccurate, but usually are not. She will know for sure after going to the doctor, but I think its safe to assume she really is pregnant.


There are many options for you both if you are not ready for a child. There are plenty of couples who want children, but can't have any of their own.


Anyways, decide what you think is best for all of you and it will work out just fine.

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False positives are very very rare, and actually what some think was a false positive may have been a chemical pregnancy (basically a fertilization occurred but total implantation was not successful or the egg was aborted by the body very very very early on) or sometimes it might read positive AFTER the body has already "aborted" the egg due to genetic complications, illness, or due to a blighted ovum, etc.


So, I think it is safe to assume she is pregnant, now get to a doctor so she can get early care and go through your options too. Good luck

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I will never trust a hospital to do a pregnancy test on me ever again!!! Hopefully doctors in doctors offices arent so stupid.


I had some severe back pain, and insane cramps that would practically throw me to the floor... so my bf took me to the hospital.... this was November 2001.... so the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me.. they said they wanted to do a pregnancy test... it was just routine.... and I kept saying "well you dont need to because my period is due tomorrow and I can already tell its coming".. I wasnt on birthcontrol so I knew my cycle very well and it was never late and I always got cramps a few days before it came. The doc said he didnt care and he wanted to do one just in case.... So he did, and he told me that I was right, I was NOT pregnant...


The next day my period never came.... for two weeks it never came... finally I was so scared I took a pregnancy test and sure enough.. I was pregnant...

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Well the other poster had a negative test result, but she was actually pregnant. If your girlfriend shows a positive test and it shows two months pregnant I think you can be very certain she is indeed pregnant.


Time for you two to do some serious talking. And maybe start picking out baby names!

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