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swim team

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Theres this guy on my swim team. I'm a freshman and he's a sophmore. He seems to talk to me more then the other girls on the team, and in my swim meet yesterday, he told me good job and all that stuff, and when he walked away, this girl on my team said "aww...." "what??" I asked. "He likes you. I know that for a fact."

How can I be sure he likes me? What signs and signals should I look for?

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Aww shucks. Anouther one!


There is no #1 way of telling if a guy likes you or not, so that answers your second question. You can't sum up flirting in a few sentences for each sex, not at all possible! In this perticular situation, I'd bet he likes you if your other friends say he does, and he spends more time with you. Flirt back, see if he gets the energy to ask you out. Otherwise, although some might argue this, a girl asking out a guy is 100% ok in my mind.

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how about you ask him to hang out. grab a bite to eat after your meet or after school one day.


PS: i was a swimmer in HS too; freestyle & backstroke. i love fellow swimmers! good luck this season!




thanks I usually do freestyle.... but once he put me in butterfly .... it's my first year..it's really fun.

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