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sex with ex, ex

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This is not really a big deal but my ex, ex and I ran into each other at the club the other night. (Not the one I've been doing posts on the one b-4 her,4years not that it matters.) We both got to talking a bit, the music got loud an she stated we should go back to her place and catch up. At first I was thinking no, but then again I thought no harm could come of it no matter what tohe out come. So we get back to her place we get to talking, she was asking about Crystal, my resent ex, and played her a few songs I had done for her. (It had been so long sense we sat down and talked like friends but that quickly changed.) In mid sentence she jumped on me and I got lost in her touch. It was like we traveled back in time and relived one of our moments. (our relationship was based on sex, we both thought we we're in love but at that age we didn't know better.) Anyway after everything, we talked alittle and jumped again. And I stated I had to go, I had work the next day. She then said she was still with someone and not to say anything. She said she'd like to do things again, but to keep it quiet. We're both older now and the sex is great, but I need a moral check. Plus if Crystal cought wind some how that would be the end of everything between her and I(she hates her), but if it's kept quiet and we just pleased each other is there some distructive sign here I'm missing? What should I do at this point? We dont have feelings for each other other than to see how long we can go before we brake each others sprit. But honestly, what do you think I should do here? It's fun, but...no, just fun.

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Part of me says you are single... you can do whatever the heck you want... and Chrystal can go blow chunks with her holier than thou attitude... I mean she was with someone else too right?


But then the other part of me checks in and says if Chrystal finds out, it will do damage that will have little to do with rational thought, and everything to do with bitter jealousy. If it were just "some girl", she might be willing to acknowledge she has no right... but girls seem to have a thing about exes.... sometimes they can never put the "she got him first" jealousy behind them.


But here is some food for thought.... do you want to be with someone who can't see past her own double standards?


Here's another one.... Your Ex-Ex is with someone else... does this bother you? Is he a reasonable guy?


Anyway, you've been through a lot in the last year... I don't think anyone can blame you for having a little fun... you are certainly entitled. But now that you've had it, sit down and think about how it is going to make you feel later on.


To me your answer is personal, and depends on how you answer the two questions above.

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I'd take the high road personally -- why help someone cheat on their SO? If nothing else, its another unfortunate story you'd have to tell or elect not to tell a future g/f.


Further, if there is any risk of you getting attached to the Ex Ex again, that's bad news. And what if you did get back together? Now you know you Ex Ex is a cheater and a bit skanky.


Lastly, do you honestly think you're the only guy she's jumped while cheating on her b/f?

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If you want to have sex with ur ex,ex thats somethin u have to think through but if you dont want Crystal to find out that could be an interesting situation. You never know who could see you while your leaving ur ex,ex's place and it can potentially get back to her. I have to admit that I am not a fan of going back to ex's after you have broken up with them so to me it really wouldnt matter what Crystal thought or if she found out.

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Thats the whole thing, She's never been with anyone else, as far as I know. (Crystal) And the reason she hates her so much is because when her and I started to date the ex ex keept coming into the picture and Crystal knew she still had a part of me. Thats also part of the reason why her and I broke up. All it is is sex, the ex ex and I cant go any further because I dont want her that way. I think I should put an end to things, the karma thing is what got me. It's been done before and I really dont want this to come back and bite me. Why cant fun come with out a price?

I might just one last time for lod times sake. N-less karma takes that one down to. Ughh, this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Part of me says you are single... you can do whatever the heck you want... and Chrystal can go blow chunks with her holier than thou attitude...


agreed!!! if she doesnt care about her bf she needs to dump him but if i were u & i was thinkin w/ the wrong head id do it. who cares. your ex can kiss your ***. have fun!



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"Thats the whole thing, She's never been with anyone else, as far as I know. (Crystal) And the reason she hates her so much is because when her and I started to date the ex ex keept coming into the picture and Crystal knew she still had a part of me."


thats the worst!!!! my recent ex is cool w/ his ex ex also & i hate her b/c she kept disrupting things b/w me & him. now that i was kicked to the curb hes cool w/ her again. its the worst feeling in the world makes me sick to my stomach! id love to spit in both their faces for completely disrespecting me.


but if Crystal doesnt want to get back with you then do whatever you want, WITH WHOEVER YOU WANT.



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I like the way you think. I'm still going to do that show thing at south paw, but I got called up do work with a cupple rap artest here in town (local) nothing too big. I know it sounds crazy but our styles mixed sounds unique. We've got tripped out beats fast and slow with some flow and me coming in and out with my vocals. Do you know how to up load music on the web to send to some one? I've got those few songs on the college site, but I want yall to hear my new stuff. If you find out, please let me know, and I saw your pic, your very cute, your ex is retarded.

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I like the way you think. I'm still going to do that show thing at south paw, but I got called up do work with a cupple rap artest here in town (local) nothing too big. I know it sounds crazy but our styles mixed sounds unique. We've got tripped out beats fast and slow with some flow and me coming in and out with my vocals. Do you know how to up load music on the web to send to some one? I've got those few songs on the college site, but I want yall to hear my new stuff. If you find out, please let me know, and I saw your pic, your very cute, your ex is retarded.


thank you very much Pheonix my ex is retarded for a multitude of reasons lol but thank u very much.


& yea id go see your shows when im in the city. a friend of mine uploads his at link removed check that out.




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Forget the cheating and skankiness, was this not the ex who chased you down while you broke it off with her?


And I believe in a psycho way she did harass you till you could not be with her as friends anymore? or did I get it twisted?


wake up babe! you are too cute to hold onto the past!



Think about the dignity and not let your body heat take over your mind.

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Yeah it's the same girl we talked about. But the sex is so much fun. She has no feelings for me and I have none for her, it's just sex. But at the same time, "do on to others as you would have them do on to you" If I was her man and she was cheating on me, I'd be pissed. So once again Karma comes into play. If she leaves dude tho, well then again Crystal.

I dont think this is worth it, atleast until I find out whats going on between her and I. But if that falls through I've got a play mate for a while I guess, but I wont let it go on for long, it's not healthy for my place right now. If anything I need to find some thing new.

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You put yourself in a difficult situation, when you live your life speculating what your ex might think if she found out such and such. Your ex ex wanted to keep things on the downlow because there is more at risk for her, and you want to keep it on the downlow because there is POTENTIAL risk of your ex finding out.


As long as you two can be mature about it continue to keep it on the DL, I see no harm. I'm not condoning that it's right for her (your ex ex) to cheat with you, but every man has to get his one way or another. Also, hopefully they don't have any mutual friends (your ex ex and ex) because females tend to socialize with each other more than males. Otherwise, I don't see any harm in the situation, since you two don't seem to be emotionally involved with each other.

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Even if the ex and I dont work out , it's just the fact that if she did find out she would have a bit of hate for me. I know messed up things will be said. I like peace over conflict and the message will travel through my friends, then they will look down at this as well. The ex ex and I ended up hating each other and our friends split down the middle. I just dont want conflict. (It's been 4 years of peace.) But I enjoy the physical acts. Who wouldent? We're like two kids after school rushing before the parents come home. But I kinda feel bad for dude tho. She says all kinds of messed up things about him. I talked to her, and we agreed to play for just a little while longer and then let it go. It was a nice rematch, but I need to move forward not behind. I want something new.

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But I kinda feel bad for dude tho. She says all kinds of messed up things about him. I talked to her, and we agreed to play for just a little while longer and then let it go. It was a nice rematch, but I need to move forward not behind. I want something new.


dude, take my word i hooked up w/ a guy once while he had a GF...they broke up the next day but i still felt soooo bad about it i couldnt see him for 2 weeks. then once we saw eachother again it was all good. hehehe but take my advice 'friends w/ benefits' isnt all peaches & cream. feelings sometimes get involved & its hard to undo a web once its woven & youre stuck right in the middle of it.


it has great potential to get ugly....and even boring.



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I agree it does start to suck after a while. I stoped things this weekend. I feel guilty for a number of reasons. What they are I'm not sure, but well

I just don't like her. We parted on bad terms, and she #*(&^(& me over, so making her happy isn't #1 on my list of things to do. Plus for some damn reason Crystal pops in my head from time to time still. Thats a mind flux if I ever had one. I do so well and then she comes in and makes her presents known, like the other day she stoped by my dads work and was asking about me, she knew more about my new place then my dad did. I mentioned this on another post somewhere. It's sometimes hard to push on when she does this. But I will move on. With or with out her.

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